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Feathers Mcgraw

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Posts posted by Feathers Mcgraw

  1. All fine here, Got a small power-outage around 6:30 that killed the bedroom TV that had been left on standby, and a few branches down, I've been out clearing up a bit of debris, but apart from that all is okay. Was expecting more than it was to be honest, as a storm a few years ago blew our kitchen ceiling down.  I suppose it all depends on what direction it is arriving from.


      I called my elderly neighbours to check they were okay and they were not even ruffled Posted Image



    I thought the guy on radio 4 this morning made a brilliant comment, along the lines of leaves on the line are a lot harder to deal with when still connected to the tree!Posted Image

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  2. Wind starting to blow a bit here but nothing serious as yet,  for ages this evening it was totally dead calm. The pressure has started to drop over the last couple of hours. I just moved my car into the field beside the hedge I decided might be prudent not to leave it sitting under its usual giant tree tonight..Posted Image


    Dogs been out for a evening walk, cat is in. The battery for the power drill is on charge just incase we have to mend any broken fences in the morning and the chainsaw and generator are topped up with fuel. Oh the joys of rural livingPosted Image  LOL  And yes I too am getting a headache...

    I managed to sleep through most of the '87 storm so I might just head up to bed now and see what the morning brings.Posted Image

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  3. Well I for one am glad of the warnings the Met Office put out, Posted Image  Being a rural smallholder, I like being given a heads-up to go put straps over the most vunerable chicken houses and move livestock away from areas where there might be falling branches.


    The early warnings have also given us the chance to discover a  mouse had chewed through the wires of the generator, and my OH unexpectedly had to spend ages mending it. And the time to do a quick service and check the chainsaw is running okay. These warnings gives us a kick up the backside to go an make a few preparations.  Even if it is not as bad as the other storms of recent years, we expect power-outages here.  We get them for nearly every storm anyway, as we are in a very wooded area. So I doubt this one will be an exception.


    At around 8am not a tree was rustling a single leaf all was dead calm,  Now we have a really brisk breeze and it is getting gusty.. 

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  4. Been snowing here near Petworth on and off since yesterday afternoon....Yesterday it was just spitting a few flakes, not enough to make the ground look any worse than a heavy frost. Must have started for real around 7am as when we looked out the car had a slight covering and by 8am it was snowing properly when I went out to feed the chickens. Very grainy tiny flakes though and managing to get into everything from every direction or so it seemed.

    Now heavier and settled enough to make that crunch underfoot when you walk. The chickens very annoyed and not sure if they want to come out for breakfast.unsure.png

    Temp here is -0.6 wind from due east Oddly even the wasing whirlygig is turning around with no washing on it, we don't see that very often as it normally never moves.

  5. Still raining here but no where near as hard as it had been around lunchtime., we had some intermittent spots on and off during the mid afternoon for a couple of hours.

    And the music festival-goers are giving it good !!!! . The rain never stopped the music once, and by the noise the audience are obviously still enjoying themselves ( or maybe the shouts are them drowninghelp.gif.... unsure.png ) Kids today seem far more resilient than I would have given them credit for

  6. I have mixed feelings, I come here because I am interested in what is going to happen, and this site has so many people who are good at giving the right advance warning. I have no problems with people who enjoy the sever weather, but do wonder about them being happily tucked up in a well built warm house hovering over their computer screens with glee.

    Yet I do wish on occasions they would give a nod of awareness to those of use who have to go out in it when it is at its worst. I am a livestock breeder and although I find an excitement in the force nature can throw at us, having to get up and go out in it to sort out the problems it brings can be very wearying. In the snow last year I was out overnight in heavy snow to clear nets to stop them collapsing, Three hours sleep in 24hrs and much of it spent outdoors tends to rather dampen your enthusasm about severe weather events.

    But I agree, it still feels right that nature can kick mankind firmly in the backside! Even if I do get cold and wet whilst it's going on.

  7. I have a WMR100 and it has an annoying "feature" in that the outside temperature sensor reading is inaccurate when there is a high level of humidity. If humidity is 98% then the temp can easily be 4 or 5 deg C high during the summer - say 20C instead of 15C. In the winter zero is less effected by humidity - within 1C. I have dismantled the outdoor sensor and see that the humidity and temp sensor are both on the same small circuit board about 10mm by 5mm. Cleaned this (spiders webs all over the place) and some small improvement.

    Just wonder if anyone else noticed this ? Otherwise the Oregon is a neat compact design.

    I agree with inbuilt data storage - so cheap for the manufacturer to add - and I wish mine had it. Not so dedicated to have a PC linked 24/7 to mine. Will follow this thread with interest.

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