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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. I must be just a tad too south as it's dead still and medium rain.
  2. Me! Significantly reduced flashes here ATM. Hopefully it'll pep up. Did see a great CG strike in the distance a second ago.
  3. Looooooong rumble of thunder. But looks like it's dying off.
  4. Rain has started here and can see occasional distant flash.
  5. That'd be a direct hit for me although the North Downs are a pain in the weeble for shielding Medway.
  6. Really exploding now although track looks to be more west now. Think the SE might miss out here.
  7. Very convective out there tonight. Lots of undulatus about and thick heavy spots of rain here and there.
  8. Don't think there was anything here last night. I'm usually woken by storms but maybe there was?
  9. 【LIVE】 Live Cam Portsmouth - England | SkylineWebcams WWW.SKYLINEWEBCAMS.COM View over Portsmouth port in England Live cam Clear flashes to be seen here.
  10. Was planning on going out for a country walk today but with it looking uncertain for rain, I can't decide whether to risk it!
  11. With respect, that's absolutely ridiculous. They have the same parts of the brain that humans do in regards to emotions namely the hippocampus, amygdala and hippocampus to name the main 3. Plus if you've ever owned a cat you would tell they are perfectly capable of love. Edit: I see you say you meant snakes, nevermind.
  12. I thought to myself earlier it was looking quite convective outside and the heavy downpour we've just had seems to confirm that. Was nice to see some rain for once!
  13. I was saying just today it seems in recent years April has become the dry month. Can't remember the last time it properly rained here although you'd think the opposite with how rapidly the lawn is growing!
  14. Wish the cold wind would do one. It's ruining what are otherwise pleasant days. I don't know if it's just my memory but I swear the last few April's have been warmer than this. I'm getting married late April next year and hope it's a lovely warm day!
  15. What a perfect bank holiday day weather-wise. Beautiful and sunny but not so hot you can't enjoy the weather. We've been out for an 8 mile walk in the country and spring is everywhere. It's glorious!
  16. Honestly this weather is just vile. Either snow properly or give us the warm weather back. Can't bear this bitterness.
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