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Posts posted by Vahnstad

  1. can someone tell me what the difference is between meltwater from greenland, and meltwater that was released from lakes during the beginning of the younger dryas and 8.2 ka event. Is there a chanche there is a new event in the near future. And will the weakening also impact europe's climate?

  2. Hello, i have some questions... 




    1972 was the 3rd coldest year for the AMO, and the 2nd coldest for the May to September period and the coldest on record for June.




    How is it possible to make cards with NCEP Reanalysis, (i've seen them a couple of times in this topic, i want to make them too.


    2) I've seen a graphic about the decreasing AMOC in the last years. How is it possible that we didn't see the effects from the AMOC on our weather? Is it possible that the warming factors are more overwhelming than the cooling factors. Or is there another reason? Or is the decreasing not 'that exceptional', or is it still coming?


    3) Will the cold pool in the At. Ocean have an effect on our weather, and not only for the UK but also for Scandinavia or where i live Belgium? Or is it just local? What are the effects for the winter. Does the cold pool stimulate high pressure or au contraire low pressure?


    4) Is there certainty that the cold pool is a result of the ice water in Greenland? Will the cold pool be more significant in the future? Is there a possibility that there is a new Younger Dryas event or a 8.2 ka event or a small 8.2 ka event is coming? Or are the quantities of ice water that are released not great enough (or not fast enough) to have an impact on our regional climate?

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