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Everything posted by Dami

  1. rinse and repeat day of morning yuck, turning to afternoon hot yuck to night time yuck aswell. No storms either. It's just yuck.
  2. was up early today to do housework before it got too hot. I am in doors and my cheeks feel like they are burning, but i'm generally just sweaty. Who the hell put that blanket of cloud up? It actual looked quite stormy for a second, but ofc not chances of that. Hubs has ordered pizza. too hot too put the oven on. *sweats*
  3. nothing warms the heart more than the beep of my phone telling me i have a thunderstorm warning, then i see isolated. Better than a kick in the nuts but still. zzzzz
  4. yep just a bit of rain and winds getting up. ok it's chucking it down.
  5. *sigh* someone put the annual 50p in Bedfords storm shield.
  6. i think it's died by me. Rain no better than heavy drizzle
  7. wow nice pic! are you still getting rumbles? seemed to have died on lightning maps
  8. had some hail, heavy rain and thunder. very happy. Not so happy the storm built as it went away and i was wrong i wouldn't see anything. But was nice listening to it.
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