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Rui Silva

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Posts posted by Rui Silva

  1. Thanks Mandrake for your tips.

    For the time being I'll order a GW1000 gateway for checking if/which existing sensor are still operative. 

    In terms of operating frequency, 868MHz should more immune to interferenceses (from handheld phones, alarms, smart home devices), but 433MHz is better for beating distance/penetration effect.

    Am I correct? I ask because my sensors are on the roof (equivalent to a 2nd/3rd floor), and need to communicate with the console which is/will be mounted in the ground floor.

    Are all Ecowitt sensors available in 433 and 868, or in other terms: which frequency is more common and safe to be adopted for comming sensor/console releases?



  2. 1 hour ago, Mandrake said:

    1. As of this moment the generic Fine Offset/Ecowitt weather stations do not have a Alexa/Google skill available. Ecowitt are working on one and do plan to release it but there is no time line available. You are correct that only those devices running AW firmware can make use of this skill since it ties into AmbientWeather.net. I am aware of someone who has flashed AW firmware onto a generic brand and it did not kill the weather station. However as you are aware this is a risk and it could give problems.

    When you say that you don't trust the variants, Ecowitt is the master brand that works directly with Fine Offset who mass manufacture the stations. Everyone else including AW are resellers. AW is unique in that they use a custom firmware that locks their stations to their branded sensors (even though they are all made by FineOffset).

    2. It is a problem for all stations exposed to high UV environments where the plastic degrades. The newer sensors have not been around long to indicate if this will be a problem. However it is possible to simply spray sun lotion factor 50 and this will protect the plastic to some degree if repeated regularly every few months in a high UV location.


    Thanks Mandrake for your clear feedback

    (I'm not a native speaker though . I meant to say that at this stage I dont' trust variations offer Alexa/Google skils - not that I don't trust variations )


    Being aware that uploading one brand FW into a different brand might bring problems, are each resseler company working their own FW? Or it's just a matter of techincal specs (for instace the RF communication frequency)?

    I'm asking this because might be risky going for a brand other the the main ones (ECOWITT / FO):

    - If MISOL is not updating FW as frequently as ECOWITT, the unit might get depreciated in terms of bugs correction or software updates.

    - in additon it seems that only ECOWITT / FO stations are able to upload to Ecowitt.net.


    MISOL can also upload to Ecowitt.net?


    ECOWITT team shold have the answeres but I don't want to contact them directly at this stage 



  3. Hi everyone,

    just joined the group as i'm also willing to replace my old PCE-FWS 2013 station


    Some questions came to my mind after reading the full set of posts, comparing specs and experience with the old PCE:


    1. i've noticed that there's an Amazon Alexa skill for Weather Ambient (not sure if is also Home Assistant compatible though)

    However without the proper firmware you cannot make use of it, and use WA firmware in other brands will kill the receiver

    Do you now if any of these variants has (i don't trust) or will have (when?) a skill or compatibility for smart home devices?


    2. What's you experience with outdoor sensors sunburning? The plastic casing has the same quality between Ambient Weather, Newitt, Froggit, MISOL?

    Certain day the anemometer of my former PCE broke into pieces.. when i reach the station i noticed that anemometer and windfinder plastic was sunburned and both of them quite weak in a way that they broke easily

    is there any way to prevent or extend a bit more the longivity of the plastic casing? Some UV pretective spay?


    3. finally, do you have any experience with ultrasonic anemometer? Both in terms of reading and maintenance it worths the price difference for a standart anemometer?





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