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Posts posted by senmut

  1. if you think on -Predicting the Weather by the Moon-, so such predictions could be very succesfull.

    I tried to find what are the main sources of weather changes and these are realy Moon, little weaker is Sun (only circa1/3 of Moons tidal/gravitational force) after these there is Venus-in some cases during conjunkcion (some days of 8years/5) is that gravit. force comparable with tidal force of Sun!!!

    Though gravit. force of Sun (on Earth) is 100000 x stronger than gravity of Venus on Earth,- tidal-grav. of Sun on Earth is comparable with gravity of Venus on Earth, because tidal force is proportional k.d\L.L.L, where d is diameter of Earth and L is distance Sun-Earth and gravity is proportional k/L.L

    Erth-Sun and Earth Moon are systems where 1 object is revolving another so gravity is nerly wholly compensated by centrifugal force in systems Venus-Earth or Jupiter-Earth,... but not. So there is acting not only tidal but whole gravitational force.

    There is clear influence of Moon, Sun, Venus, X, Jupiter, Mars also on frequency and force of earthquakes, hurricanes.

    When is New and full Moon and Moon, Earth,Sun, Venus,...are aproximatelly on one line so there are usually strong earthquakes,...

    See lists of them, for example 26 dec. 2004,2003,2006,....there is also strong influence of Earth axis inclination-toward constellations Orion Bull, Twins in this epoch, these thousands years,so when is New Moon arround 20-30th December so after that there are probable cataclysmas,...

  2. Do you think that sun-spots, electromagnetic activity (permanently increasing and (now) strongest per last 8000 years) are only not important changes without influence (The last 11Sun's cycle with maxima in 2011,2012 should be even according the forecastsof matrialistic scientiests strongest per last 400years/so long are there written measurements) on live creatures, on people?

    Again the same politics-don't panics, nothing will happen..


    It is only next proof for approaching of Planet X to perihelia within next 5 years...in 2012.

    Have you watched last enormous amount of hurricanes in Carribean area, in Japan, Australia-accompanied with earthquakes...where were hurricanes, earthquakes-there are islands-mountains-there are bands of totalities for Sun's eclipses, there are, or were (this summer) the most powerful influences of gravity of planets...!

    Were and are these (and super strong winds, floods,...) only natural common phenomena too..ha...ha...

    Acceleration of Earth's magnetic north pole motion, especial in last decade...goes toward north...direction Taurus, Gemini, ORION and is strongly increased! also ocenic water level rise but only on north hemisphere!

    Opposition (summer 2003) of Mars-super closest-per 50000 years,

    2004 (8.6) Venus transit and next in 2012, aphelia of Jupiter in 2011/during near flyby of X...are also only not important nothing saying facts!!??

    Results of ice core analyses (GISP2,VOSTOK,...) and mainly last from Norway (Berilium...) show clearly 1500 year periodicity-what is orbital time of Planet X, where are stronger peaks after 5500 years....Suns activity is clearly tied with orbital motions of planets (Jupiter, Saturn)-11yers periodicity and also with Planet X periodicity-1500 years.

    Astronomers, climatologists-don't be stupid and try to think about, read history texts,...!

    Dendera zodiac, Senmut astronomical, map, Narmer Palette, funneral astronom. banner of markiza Tai, Bible, EnumaElish, Pol Vuh and other Mayan codexes, Chinese, Egypt.,Sumerian,Nordic,...old writings speak clearly,....

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