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Everything posted by coldfingers

  1. coldfingers


    enjoyed this one, Thanks.
  2. coldfingers

    Lackford cgs

    congrats on a really fantastic shot.
  3. coldfingers


    Really love this photo! well done The one of the snow on the seedhead.
  4. Coming from the South I am hoping you are as correct as you usually are. Thanks John.
  5. I am a woman but I object to the term Man Flu also. I hate any stereotypes as everyone is individual, I have seem many a woman stay off work with a cold claiming it is the flu. I think it is more about the way you were brought up than about any difference in the genders. I am glad to hear someone with such a sensible attitude to colds and absence from work. Why wipe out the entire workforce by coming in with a really heavy cold? As you yourself know with asthma it can cause really nasty breathing problems with even a fairly mild cold, and a heavy one can bring on a life threatening astma attack in vulnerable people. I know the truth of this, my mother would be hospitalised twice a year regularly with severe and life threatening asthma attacks triggered by a cold virus turning to bronchitis.
  6. coldfingers


    what a fantastic photo. well done indeed!
  7. Best wishes for the Reading Uni course. I am sure you will work hard enough to get those pass marks as you obviously have a big love for meteorology and that is a good incentive. Look forward to hearing in September that you are starting at Reading and look forward in a few years time to your forecasts on here!
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