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Nick L

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Everything posted by Nick L

  1. The yellow warnings for Friday are entirely insufficient. This could be the most dangerous storm to hit southern Britain since the Burns Day storm.
  2. I love them. I'm just an interesting weather enthusiast and it's about time we had some this winter.
  3. ICON has 100mph gusts through the Channel and a genuine blizzard through the Midlands. Not that it'll happen, but fun to look at.
  4. Looking a very exciting weather event for sure. Could be the strongest winds in central England for several years.
  5. I used to think the same. But if you offered me 10C+ every day until 20th Feb and then give me the Beast from the East for the following couple of weeks, I would snap your hand off.
  6. Loving the prospect of some stormy conditions this week. After this snoozefest of a winter we finally have something interesting to look at! But yes, in terms of "least wintry", this winter comes nowhere near 13/14, not even close. At least we've had frosts this winter.
  7. Indeed. If long range forecasting was that simple, then why are they so difficult to get right?
  8. A surprisingly nice day here with sunny spells and double figure temps. More of this please.
  9. I did manage 2 minutes of sleet, however! (In Reading at the time)
  10. I think you've misread my post. I said 13/14 was the most snowless winter I've ever had, i.e. none.
  11. I wouldn't even describe it as a bonus. Like you, I want spring warmth already, and any cold will be an unwelcome nuisance.
  12. Looking increasingly likely that we're going to go through the whole winter here with no more than a brief slushy dusting here. Not quite 13/14 levels of snowless, but probably the 2nd worst winter in that regard for me.
  13. We did exactly the same walk pretty much exactly a year ago, and the same cracked ground was barely passable for the mud last year. Such a contrast. It's certainly much nicer.
  14. Went out for a walk today and in some places the ground is cracked it's been so dry. I have never seen that in winter before. Something is very wrong with our climate.
  15. My parents live at the total opposite end of the county in Staffordshire (Cannock), they've had loads of snow events in the last couple of winters. More than I've had in 8 winters in Buckinghamshire.
  16. Staffordshire has done very well in the last couple of years. Was never this snowy when I grew up there!
  17. It really doesn't. Meteorology is a science and this is far from a scientific approach to proving the hypothesis that "Warm September = crap winter". Just to add, I'm not completely discounting the idea that there's a link. But until someone can actually highlight and prove there are reasons for the apparent link, then it is not something to reliably use as a long range forecasting tool.
  18. But then we'd be dark until half 8 in the morning. No thanks!
  19. Quite an impressive dry spell for the middle of winter. We've had no meaningful rain for more than 2 weeks, and it looks like we could be getting on for 4 weeks. The shifting from very wet spells to very dry spells continues.
  20. I agree. Especially during heatwaves. Struggling to sleep, then that sinking feeling where you can see the light filtering through the curtains already.
  21. If anyone can solve the insurance conundrum please do post here, I will be back chasing next year so useful to know!
  22. Much of the last 12 months have been dreadful for weather here. Negligible snow, struggling to get frosts until the last week, occasional rumbles, strong winds absent. Even by the UK's low standards it's been poor.
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