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Posts posted by mcfcben

  1. There's a weather station up at Hulme library, this is where that reading is from I suspect. Been to the water park? Idiots cycling over the frozen lake.

    Neighbour's thermo read -11 at about 7pm this evening...blankets for the hens then.

    I work in hulme, but if its -11 I'd be really surprised, it hasnt felt that cold really.

  2. The lowest so far this winter has been -8.4c which was recorded last week (it also equalled my previous lowest recorded about 4 yrs ago) , last night got to -8.1c , i did think it would be lower ...currently it's-8.3c ... i'm on tenterhooks :p :p..surely it must get lower

    if anyone knows what the manchester airport temp is, then thats what it is here

    its bone chillingly cold though, even more so than last night was at this stage, we recorded -15.5 last night, so wouldnt be surprised if we beat that tonight seeing as it was -9 a hour or so ago

  3. and a couple of questions

    i) what are ppls experiences of actually being out and about in this after last night?

    ii) what's the forecast for the pennines? ( as we tend to get the remanents of their weather)


    I've not been out in it much, but there is still loads of snow everywhere. I'm not in work today, working from home, and judging by the amount of cars still around, I think its the same for most people

  4. Well, its the end of the day, and what a wonderful event it has been, biggest snowfall in Manchester for many a year, and the added bonus of two snow days from work (albiet I have to work from home tomorrow, but it beats going into work)

    Can I just say that so far this winter has surpassed all expectations, at least 8 days of snow falling days, many of those days where it lied and stuck for days, in fact, some parts have had lying snow/ice for nearly 2 weeks now

    and we've still got January and February to come!

    Night night snow lovers :yahoo:

  5. We have 10, yes 10 inches of snow here, maybe even a foot in places, this is insane, schools are closed for the first time in 16 yearsish. I'm going to my mums to stay there for a few days, this is crazy!

    We got around the same in Wythenshawe too, and yeah, everywheres shut here too. Loads of my friends have been sent home, or couldnt make it, into/from work too (including me)

  6. I expect the Manchester derby will be called off aswell wallbash.gif

    wouldnt surprise me if it is, i remember the roads were lethal on boxing day and i nearly got the car stuck in miles platting (not the nicest of places to get stuck!)

    they will call it off for heath and safety issues as the roads/transport will be a nightmare if this snow continues

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