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Posts posted by saperlo

  1. Apologies to all if I’m covering stuff that’s old hat – I have read back over previous discussion now and am better acquainted with the thread (although maybe not enough, so thanks to all – esp. VP and Cap Bob - for your patience!)

    Myself, I’m very much in the “yet be proven” camp on AGW, and it’s great to see it being investigated and discussed without all the usual emotive stuff.

    VP regarding possible drivers for your hysteresis thesis, have you considered

    1. Tilt/wobble of the earth wrt the sun (nutation), which is cyclical every 18 years approx. Coupled with the variables of solar activity will certainly vary the exposure of the earth to the sun’s radiation, in an extended and complex cyclical pattern (implications of which may be years away being understood)

    2. Decreasing salinity of oceans due to sea level rise – fresh water has a lower specific heat capacity than salt water and the oceans are a massive heat sink - as the sea becomes more dilute it releases this heat progressively. Even a small change will liberate a lot of energy

    3. Variation in Pacific algal blooms which follow solar cycles

  2. Quick interjection as someone coming late into the topic (sorry)

    Couple of physics points

    1. The Stefan-Bolzmann law of radiation is that the " total emissive power of a body is defined as the total radiant energy of all wavelengths emitted per square metre per second"

    but remember the emissive power is proportional to the absolute energy but to the fourth power, E = sc x T4 (sc = stefan's constant, written as gamma but I don't have the fonts!)

    Thus absorptivity does not increase more than emissivity as energy in a system increases, because emissivity increases as a fourth power

    2. The point you raise about the egg is (IMO) a reference to entropy (randomness or disorder), which involves the second law of thermodynamics, which as you say involves the direction of physical processes (in isolated systems)

    This doesn't involve complex structures (like reforming a broken egg) but does involve distribution of energy in a system (eg heating a metal rod at one end will ultimately cause the whole rod to reach the same temperature and to emit radiation equally along its length)

    3. Hysteresis does occur at the subatomic level e.g in electrical capacitors

    The thing here is that the apparent delay is only a delay in observable change. In respect of energy, a change in potential energy is immediate

  3. Thanks for the link Cumulus I've downloaded your book now and am enjoying it

    I'm going to be emigrating to the US next year (to Connecticut) so have been over a few times already, enough to experience the media.

    Are you sure you want your materiel being handled by Fox News and particularly Glenn Beck - you might be tainted by association!

    (although I think your book is excellent and wish you every success with it)

  4. I wonder what "rotten" ice is supposed to be?

    Given that in the physics of solutions, passing from a liquid to a solid phase causes precipitation of compounds depending on their freezing points, thus solutions will separate out into there constituent compounds(so ice is made of fresh water)

    The term "rotten ice" implies ice made of something else in addition to H2O, which is not something I could explain

    I wonder if this is a bit of pseudo-science?

    ... that's not to say I discount Dr Barbers paper - I'm just wondering exactly what he means with this euphemism

  5. It's very dreich here too...

    On the plus side, a couple of old local farmers have both said to me there's more cold on the way soon.

    I asked them how they knew - they just said that it "feels" like it.

    No computer models or any sophistication at all - if they turn out to be right maybe I should hire them up for Netweather!

  6. that would be great

    Hi Cookie

    Do you think there will be snow in Lewis today/tomorrow?

    All the forecasts seem to say all quiet and clear.

    Only, if that's possible I'll tell my mum to stay in tonight. She only lives in Coll, but she just can't handle difficult driving conditions.

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