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Posts posted by khodds

  1. 8 minutes ago, AWD said:

    The way I think it’ll play out midweek, when taking everything into a blend of a median, is something like the below;


    Each line being the northern extent of any PPN.

    Red line - 45% chance and currently the most favoured.

    Blue line - 25% chance

    Green line - 15% chance

    Yellow line - 10% chance 

    5% chance - The weather is never 100% guaranteed and sometimes does the unexpected, so I will always leave a 5% chance for it to do something totally unmodelled like blast up to Scotland etc.  Never can we forecast the weather with 100% certainty.

    Also, small caveat is I’m not 100% convinced that any PPN that may reach southern coastal counties/IOW is certain to fall as snow and not rain.  There’s more to forecasting snow than just the 850hpa temps and some modelling does play around with the idea of less cold sectors being mixed in with this LP, less favourable DP’s etc so definitely a lot to watch for, for those on the South Coast.

    Finally, our channel Island members in here MAY be our snowiest parts of the region next week.  Not often we say that!!

    Happened once already this winter.. seems to be happening more often than we get anything these days 

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