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3 day weather forecast for the UK

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Week ahead

Weather for the week ahead Monday (Confidence 80%) A cloudy wet start for, There maybe still some sleet and snow around for the hills in Wales and the peak district, As we move through the morning I expect any sleet or snow around to turn to rain apart from the highest peaks, Elsewhere it will remain cloudy with some light rain around, As we move into the afternoon I expect it to remain cloudy just about everywhere with maybe some light rain around in places. The far south however may see some

Mark Bayley

Mark Bayley

Week ahead

Heres my atempt at the week ahead useing the 12z gfs moddle on sunday Weather for the week ahead starting 4th of November. I create my forecast using the 12z GFS every Sunday afternoon . Overall I am pleased with my forecast last week. This week however is going to be very hard to predict and I might have to change it mid week. I have not included fog and frost in this forecast however will do shortly when I get my laptop back. Temp that I predict will be the max temps for the country Monday

Mark Bayley

Mark Bayley

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