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Alps Ski And Weather Forecast 3rd February




The main talking point about the weather in the Alps, has been the severe cold especially over Eastern areas, next week looks cold or very cold.


[b]Syntopic Progression[/b]

The "Siberian" High now 1056mb and centred over Western Russia, has plunged bitterly cold air over most of Europe, with Severe weather conditions in many areas. As forecast a few days ago the High is starting to fall south in Western Europe with milder weather trying to push in over the UK.
[attachment=129787:3 fEB cURRENT.PNG]

Remaining bitterly cold over much of Europe, but milder weather pushing from the Atlanitc for western parts of the UK, bringing mostly rain for western areas, and snow for Eastern parts of the Uk.
[attachment=129774:3 Feb + 24.PNG]

Remaining cold over most of Europe for Sunday, but slightly milder for the UK, Western France and Scandinavia with westerly winds.
[attachment=129777:3 Feb + 48.PNG]

A lot of uncertainty at the moment for the rest of the week, a bit of a battleground with milder winds trying to push in from the west, but with HP remaining over Scandiviania, this is very difficult to call. The GFS scenario shown below shows the cold air pushing back over the UK for the latter part of the week.
[attachment=129783:3 Feb +72.PNG] [attachment=129785:3 Feb +96.PNG] [attachment=129780:3 Feb + 120.PNG]
[attachment=129782:3 Feb + 144.PNG] [attachment=129786:3 Feb +168.PNG]

In terms of the Alps though, it is looking very likely that condtions will be very settled and also cold or very cold.

[b]Alps Detail[/b]

[b]Freezing Levels (noon)[/b]
[b]Sat 4 Feb - [/b]Sea level generally, 0-400m around France/Italy border
[b]Sun [/b][b]5 Feb[/b][b] - [/b]Sea level generally, 200m-600m France/Italy border, S Switzerland, SW Austria
[b][b]Mon [/b][/b][b]6 Feb[/b][b][b] -[/b][/b]Sea level generally, 200m-600m France/Italy border, S Switzerland, SW Austria
[b][b]Tue[/b][/b][b] 7 Feb[/b][b][b] -[/b][/b]Sea level generally, 200m-600m France/Italy border, S Switzerland, SW Austria
[b]Wed 8 Feb - [/b]0-500m generally, 700m-1000m France/Italy border and 1100-1300m S Switzerland, SW Austria
[b][b]Thur 9 Feb - [/b][/b]0-600m generally, 700m-1400m France/Italy border, S Switzerland, SW Austria
[b][b]Fri 10 Feb -[/b][/b]0-600m generally, 700m-1400m France/Italy border, S Switzerland, SW Austria

[b]Freezing Levels (6am)[/b]
[b]To Sea Level throughout the period, with temps set to fall below -20c over some parts of the Alps, every night for the next week.[/b]

[b]850 Hpa Temps (noon)[/b]
[b]Sat 4 Feb[/b][b] - [/b][b]-9 to -11c South, -16 to -19c North[/b]
[b]Sun [/b][b]5 Feb[/b][b] - [/b][b]-6 to -9c South and West, -14 to -19c North[/b] and East
[b][b]Mon [/b][/b][b]6 Feb[/b][b] - [/b][b]-6 to -9c South and West, -15 to -19c North[/b] and East
[b][b]Tue[/b][/b][b] 7 Feb[/b][b] -[/b] [b]-[/b][b]5 to -9c South, -12 to -15c North[/b]
[b]Wed 8 Feb - -2 to -6c [/b]Some Central areas, sub -10c elsewhere
[b]Thur 9 Feb -[/b] [b]-1 to -5c [/b]Some Central areas, -7 to -9c elsewhere
[b]Fri 10 Feb[/b] -[b] -1 to -4c [/b]Some Central areas, sub -5 to -9c elsewhere
The central areas mentioned above tend to relate to a small area of the far SE of Switzerland and SW Austria

[b]Sat 4 Feb -[/b] Mostly dry and Sunny, some patchy snow edging into Austria from the east at times.
[b]Sun [/b][b]5 Feb[/b][b] - [/b]Mostly dry and Sunny, some patchy snow edging into Austria from the east at times.
[b][b]Mon [/b][/b][b]6 Feb[/b][b] - [/b]Mostly dry and Sunny
[b][b]Tue[/b][/b][b] 7 Feb[/b][b] - [/b]Mostly Dry and sunny, some light to moderate snow at times for Austria
[b]Wed 8 Feb[/b][b], [/b][b]Thur 9 Feb[/b][b], [/b][b]Fri 10 Feb[/b] -[b] Mostly Dry and Sunny[/b]

[attachment=129790:3 Feb +24 Alps.PNG]
[attachment=129776:3 Feb + 48 Alps.PNG]
[attachment=129778:3 Feb + 72 Alps.PNG]
[attachment=129784:3 Feb +96 Alps.PNG]
[attachment=129779:3 Feb + 120 Alps.PNG]
[attachment=129781:3 Feb + 144 Alps.PNG]
[attachment=129789:3 Feb + 168 Alps.PNG]


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