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Stunning bank of Stratocumulus over the South Downs

Often heard the phrase "under a blanket" of cloud etc but have never seen one so obvious & dramatic.

Early this morning here on the Coast at Worthing we were in bright morning sunshine whilst inland you could see a bank of cloud stretching along the South Downs it seemed that underneath it was just grey and dense - the sort of cloud that holds all the old fashioned smog under it. It looked like a the cloudal equivalent of a Tsunami approaching.

Anyway all early morning dog walkers were captivated by it - all exclaiming we'd never seen anything quite like it before!

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cold haily windy night


Awesome....saw something like this a couple of years ago on the way to work one evening. Tried to capture image on my moby. Looked like that, this thick dense even layer across the horizon, that mauvey blue grey underneath an even orangey belt......(am new here so don't know terminology etc.). Think it was located to the north.

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