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Everything posted by sendandreturn

  1. Tuesday morning silly question.. Last week with all of the lightning, why did we not hear thunder every time there was cloud to cloud lightning, but we did cloud to ground?
  2. Any chance of imports from Nantes/Rennes area vectoring Brighton way this evening or is it Kent clippers from now. Crystal ball q I know, and I had 2 hours sleep last night, so I am kinda hoping you say no Shot from me, from last night
  3. I agree, Kent did really really well, Dorset not bad, but Hampshire, W sussex , North of the area etc.. v v v little
  4. My story... Portsdown initially, saw systems firing over into Dorset...elected to go to Selsey, this is the result. Wish I ahd gone further East, but to get shots like this you need it to be dry. Quite a subtle shot, no anvil crawlers, Prob Newhaven in the distance..there will be WAAAAAAY better shots than this from across the country, can't wait to see them Last night reminded me of a year ago when the big MCS came up from France, 26th I think. Last night I think the storms stayed round La rochelle at my parents for 9 hours in a similar location...I took this last year...parents gite complex under lightning bolt (appears to be, thankfully not a direct hit..)
  5. right see you guys out on the road, will try and post pics, Off out in the Dominator 5.2 mark b
  6. Shame about the lull as it's the perfect time now, not too late, it's dark, that said 3-4 hours isn't long to wait
  7. We'r e heading out at 11 from Fareham, east to Selsey initially, all nighter, had 1 hour sleep just then
  8. You'd start to see action..Central Southern England my guess is 1am onwards, East Sussex Kent etc, 12am
  9. My parents live in Deux Sevres, slap bang in the middle of that CAPE, wish I was there this evening
  10. Sferics/Cells Bordeaux region, will pass thru my parents nr La Rochelle, earlier than normal to see on Sat24, but all of that will make it here..
  11. V V Cloudy here now in South Hamps...will the amount of moisture/evaporation affect things here today, I guess the unstable airmass's, cells etc are on their way, but here it is fairly cool atm.
  12. Photos from Portsdown https://scontent-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/t31.0-8/10494505_10203725530355807_2083987674190069057_o.jpg https://scontent-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t31.0-8/10329938_10203725529675790_7675833410491720851_o.jpg (@ the Armouries - hence the subtle GUN) That might load for you, Portsdown last night, not the best.
  13. that was pretty cool, up on portsdown, I have had to come back ,gotta get some sleep in advance of tomorrow...
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