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Everything posted by mt-leinster-snow-drifts

  1. I've also noticed that AGW beleivers seem to think that solar variation just effects global tempuature in the way of more light and heat output. But this is false , this beleif comes from AGW beleivers just hearing what they wan't to hear. They always seem to miss the facts. Solar activity has very little direct effect on climate I know , but it has a large secondery effect by the way of the solar wind - cosmic rays - cloud formation - cooling. I would every body to get the full facts and not just picking parts you can disprove.
  2. Yes but if you discount 1998 you will still see cooling from year to year , not just a general trend. And then you have that large ( in terms of the time scale ) drop in tempuature between Jan 07 and Jan 08 Alot of warmists have now adopted the view that AGW has made the world temporary cooler , can't find any explanation for this.
  3. Well the main and most respected meteorologist in Met Eireann( Irish met office ) openly admitted that they jumped the gun on global warming and they would have to re-think it as the warming simply wasn't there. That coupled with falling air and sea temps is enough to convince me that this whole industry will come crumbling down soon enough
  4. Absoloute rubbish summer here. We got two good spells in June each lasted five days , max temp I saw was 24c. While you guys had the heatwave we had cloudy misty weather and 16c at best. And every day there has been showers they've got us. Only up point is bucket loads of thunderstorms. Well my area is called ''the sunny south-east'' as it gets the most sunshine in Ireland , maybe not last three years do. All in all , june on par with 2007 but the worst July in along time , high hopes for August
  5. Soory I know this is off topic , but I just noticed BFTP's tagline about the southerly jetstream's effect on this winter. What effect will it have? Sorry again for going off topic , lol.
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