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Everything posted by whiskers

  1. I know!! Help me blow it across! We are bound to have a few flakes,aren't we?!
  2. Can't believe how quiet it is on here considering there's snow on the way!!
  3. I will expect cold in this snap,anything else will be a bonus,hopefully something will deliver soon,thanks andymusic!
  4. Andymusic,do you think this Is just the cold or the cold and snow? We are bound to get something aren't we??
  5. No!! I'm right on the line,blow it someone please! Come to mummy,you can do it!
  6. Fingers crossed,it would be lovely to see some white stuff!!
  7. What parts of wales may be included in the fun?!
  8. Well here we go again,the roller coaster ride is back on! Will it or won't it this time? what are people thinking??
  9. I'm so cofused!! I was all excited coz of the best winter cold setup,that went,that was gutting,in the forum there's lots of confusion there is cold there's not cold,what's going on???
  10. I'm a little excited and biting my tongue not to mention it to anyone as you all know what happens if you do! This is better than Xmas day itself! Would love a snow day! Cmon it's our turn for sure! Anybody else a little excited?
  11. It looks as if it's going to be another so near so far white Xmas
  12. It does feel different this year,fingers crossed,even if it stays cold I'm happy,snow would be amazing though! -5 this morning!! Freeeezzzzing!
  13. -2 here already,could be the coldest night so far!
  14. Fingers crossed ,perhaps tomorrow may bring something special!?
  15. Have fun everyone who has snow! Just hope ours will come in time,meanwhile I'm very happy with dry,crisp and frosty ! Really enjoying the excitement and anticipation already! Our turn will come!!
  16. Had a little frost here this morning! First time to scrape the car and what a lovely sound! I have missed it! Does anyone else think this has a 09/10 feel to it? I'm sure this is how November went then,I'm sure we will see our first snowfall around the 25 th of November as we always seem to have snow then as I always say " aw if it could do this a month today! It would be fab!"
  17. It was warm here too,hope to see some frost by the end of the week,don't think this cold spell is going to hang around for long though,fingers crossed it does!
  18. There's a lot of talk about there being a cold northerly spell,anybody has any thoughts for us welsh folk?
  19. If the sea surface temps drop,what impact will that have on us welsh folk?! Hopefully we will get some snow I wouldn't mind even thick frost!
  20. 3 degrees here in blackwood gwent this morning!! Can anyone beat it!
  21. Well the papers are at it again! They are bound to be right just once......maybe this year!http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fthesun.uk%2F6187BCeJ9&h=JAQF3mRcYAQGyopH1jMST5DFI6GobTErxp_JBpfBeUsRiMQ&enc=AZNzCjYxJEOHNIvj11IoLOJtQeBGckiJ3iCaZVTQ1bhVP2qyJazbGYjgRNF1iIU9DmMaPpLKpQhRQkfj8sU2oGwGChfKi873zJVvIjaqt00sl4-FbK8MFVGVjQ2L1bBd5wJr5uDkXCukuGOK2VS26UbpLg-3pkeXUj_C2QsDQKHvEykhiMwxWlyy9ySBjExuRPivv4_XTl99qyLUaV8ce2r0&s=1
  22. Well rain for us but I'm in London on a madam tussards /Harry potter tour , I've been waiting for snow,will probably have it now!!!
  23. Thanks Imogen,I've been awake looking for a bowl to catch the drips coming through my bedroom ceiling. If anyone knows a roofer in the Blackwood Gwent area,that would be a great help! Think this is the worst wind and rain I've heard..........scary ...........imagine if it was snow.....
  24. What a great end to a wet and windy winter if that does happen,fingers crossed !
  25. Wow! - 5 this morning,going to need to wrap up warm!!
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