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Everything posted by wee

  1. Hi Yamkin,does that mean the south coast aswell? or is it still likely to be rain here?
  2. You lucky thing,dont feel lonely feel happy that you have snow,i wish i had some its just been wet and some pretty big downpours today and tonight and only of rain.
  3. Hi guys,its grey and chucking it down with rain here in brighton
  4. Well its very quiet in here tonight,i am off to bed and wanted to say it is very cold here a frost already on the shed,car ,roof tops ,but very clear skys and crisp.
  5. oh,burst my bubble lol,to be honest we have had a good winter and i am happy with what we have had,but not saying i wouldnt like one last dumping .
  6. Hi Yamkin thanks for the reply,will keep one eye on the charts and the other on this thread,lets just hope this is one that comes off and we all get some good amounts before winter is over .
  7. Hi guys ,when will we know if this is likely to happen? Like you slb97 i am trying to keep my excitement under wraps and feet def stuck to the floor he he
  8. Well said snowray,am off to bed now ,night all,and good luck to all if you get snow
  9. It was awfull,it was about kids and familys with illness,and parents trying to have more children to maybe save there older sibblings life,ie,bone marrow and transplants.
  10. Yes we are all very lucky if we have happy healthy kids,sorry i know its not the place but just had to say that we are all going on about the weather and when you watch something like that it really doesnt matter ,even though we all enjoy the weather its really not important compared to what i have watched tonight .
  11. I am watching the sadest programme on bbc 1 and it has just made me realise that we are all worried about the weather or excited what is going to happen,it just brings it all home that really we are all lucky and who cares what the weather does when there is familys going through this,sorry but this has really got to me .
  12. Lol,i wish that would be the headlines tomorrow,no hope though.But if there was a chance of snow it would lay as its nice and dry on the ground but really not cold enough air temps,well thats what i think.If anyone thinks different then let me know lol
  13. Well there is a surprise lol,nice dry night for me i think,its not that cold either.Early to bed for me tonight as there is no lampost watching for me tonight
  14. Well your not doing much work as your on here so i am sure they wont miss you lol.Anyway you cant say i didnt offer
  15. Well come to Brighton MAF and dry yourself off as its nice and dry here,i just want some SNOWWWWWWWWWWW.That is wishfull thinking i know but at least i can dream lol.
  16. Its funny i think,it has been as dry as a bone since lunch time,oh well i would rather it be dry then chucking it down with rain,would be nice to see some more snow though .
  17. Looking out toward the sea from my front room there is a lovely red/orangey sky,and it has turned chilly might have to pop the heating on
  18. Well maybe we will get 4 foot of snow tonight then lol
  19. Well i run along the beach and go in the sea,but as for the dog he hates water apart from having a bath .
  20. Here Here,my dog is also missing the snow he is 3 years old but loves it
  21. Thanks for the reply MAF,like you say best not get excited until you see snow falling from the sky that way there is no dissapointment,lets keep our fingers crossed that maybe just maybe we might see something over the next few weeks .
  22. It is now sleet and rain here,but cant see us getting anything else over the next few days apart from Rain,can you?
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