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Everything posted by Mullet

  1. Definitely interesting but at +192 I reckon we're safe! That man does love a ramp though lol
  2. Not sure if this is an official unit of measurement, but I just stuck my hand in it and it's past my knuckles! Got small hands though - maybe 4 - 5 inches lol.
  3. Just got back from the pub - I'm very drunk lol - roll on the snow now my footy game's been cancelled! Enjoy peops.
  4. Seriously though, I'm out with a legendary drinker tomorrow afternoon - could be a tricky walk home on the Stella Skis.
  5. LOL I'm not sure about that but you'll probably get a snowman out of it.
  6. Football cancelled for Sunday by the looks of it, and we know what that means... ...extra beer on Saturday!
  7. Ha that would put a different spin on it - I was looking out the window at it! I didn't even go for the fag break it was so cold!
  8. I think what you wish for over the next few days depends on cold/snow preference. If you want to stay just cold you'll want that front being held up further and further West. However if you have snowmen on the brain this feature represents our region's biggest threat of something notable, as thereafter I can't see where the PPN is going to come from, cold or not. Gorgeous day today - wall to wall sunshine and cold in Chelmsford - puts you in a better mood than sloping into work under a brolly...
  9. Only been there once (nice place btw) but think this is pretty near the sweet spot (maybe a smidge east) unless I'm mistaken?
  10. Well to my untrained eye it would signal a longer cold spell which could run into the next one uninterrupted for our region looking at the latest output. Kind of a win win if you prefer cold weather.
  11. Whatever happens it looks like odds on staying cold, I don't want disruptive levels of snow as I'm driving a long way on Monday and could do without the drama!
  12. Trending the front stalling ever further W. I reckon it's going to be bone chillingly cold and mainly dry in a line from W. London eastwards in the end.
  13. One hell of a crack directly over my head here in Cambridge - possibly the loudest I've ever heard lol... My colleague sitting opposite nearly jumped off her chair! Been rumbling away for a good hour or so now but sound like it's moving away?
  14. Essex is dry as a bone and looks like being that way all weekend and into next week. Have to say without a decent snowfall, IMO would be nice if the cold cleared off now. High heating bills and cancelled football matches = rubbish weekend!
  15. My parents live there! Was there before xmas and it looked fantastic under snow cover, even though it took us 23 hours to drive there.
  16. Anybody else want this cold air shifted now? It's like getting a shiny gift wrapped present and opening it to find a shoe box full of tissue. Every day for a week. This month has been fascinating from a learning perspective, but I've had a sound lesson in the unpredictability of snowfall now.By the looks of it we've got at least another week of steadily increasing slush to look forward to - I want my golf and football back!
  17. Ha yeah I suppose you're right.Good job we don't get any more snow really, the way the news reports ramp it up as soon as a few cms hit south of Watford!
  18. Aaaaaargh missed all the showers again this morning, and now the main event for my region is going to bring us, wait for it, 3cm tops. Kent the place to be once more. What's most frustrating is seeing those west, north and south of us getting hammered no more than 30-40 miles away while we sit watching endless blue sky and slow dripping. Abiding memory of this once in a generation cold spell - utter frustration. Bring on the Bartlett!
  19. If it's any consolation to those in other areas that have done poorly, we never do well out of these situations in N Essex either - all the showers die out over the long haul through Suffolk. If we were a just a few miles south we might have had something of interest later. Frustrating isn't the word!
  20. Tell me about it mate it seems every beefy shower has been going right underneath us all week!
  21. I'm kind of hoping this delivers big time. If it doesn't, then these once in a lifetime synoptics will have failed to match even my Feb'91 yardstick for how decent this winter has been for our area. Fingers crossed.
  22. Have to say this is turning into even less of an event than Feb 09 in terms of the white stuff. For deep and sustained cold, certainly the worst for a number of years, but in my area doesn't hold a candle to Feb '91. That was 'proper' snow like central southern england got earlier in the week. This weekend will not deliver anything close to the totals we saw then for our area. It just seems to be a constant 'threat' of severe weather which almost always end up being empty! If this weekend doesn't yield at least 6" of snow then you would have to say that for EA at least this cold spell has been rather tame in terms of snowfall after xmas. Nice to see others getting it though.
  23. Not a whinge but at all, but would be nice to get a little more from this, as for me the snow depths here will have to comfortably surpass Feb '09 to make this anything approaching memorable. I'm not placing too much emphasis on the BBC forecasts for the net few days, as they can only indicate areas of potential risk. It's easy to be seduced by the huge white blob swallowing up your neck of the woods on the news, but the reality of showery set ups is that huge white blob just shows where snow could fall not where snow will fall! Looking forward to getting more use from the radar this weekend!
  24. Have to say totally caught off guard by the streamer this morning - although we were on the northern fringes still a very interesting drive east along the A120. Never seen flakes that big - some the size of Peter Shilton's hands... Just goes to reinforce what the experienced posters say in these dynamic situations - the forecasts can only highlight regions where snow is possible but the only way to truly know (and to avoid disappointment) is to fire up the radar on the day. Currently very happy with the 2 - 3 inches we have and hoping for a top up tomorrow. :unsure:
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