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Posts posted by stun12

  1. Looks like 40-45mph or so along the south coast and where the reds are darker on the map. Somewhat less for the far SE corner and East Anglia at 35-40mph. These are gust windspeeds so the constant wind will be quite a bit less. Definitely a bit breezy though.


    EDIT: See below...gusts up to 70mph. Sorry, thought the map was in kmph. Very breezy then.

  2. Yesterday was just lovely. Headed up to Broadstairs (not quite how I remember it from as a child in the 1970s) on a cloudless day. Today, a couple of hours of medium intensity rain and now the sun's out, but it's feeling rather sticky.







    On the Met Office front, their Mobile apps and PC widgets have been absolutely hopeless this year for my area. The independent forecasters have done a much better job around here, and the netweather amateurs generally even better. It costs £100m's a year of taxpayer money to run...it needs to get the weather right, and if it can't, it should go back to the wonderful magnet things from the 80s, or maybe look out of the window occasionally.

  3. Looks like almost a pure northerly direction at the moment, so the extreme west of our region. There is another growing lump of intense-looking activity south of Caen which puts the south-east much more in the firing line. A good few hours before it gets here though, I think. Maybe 5-6 hours until landfall and then the same again up to your way, BW, if it makes it that far.


    Very wet second half of the night and morning here. Even at 2am, when the rain had started, the MetO widget was saying dry for the rest of the night and all day today. Not impressive at all. Currently 16.1c and 98% humidity. Welcome to the rain forest.

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  4. Don't want nothing like this though, always the same nothing or too much, why not just enough rain to make everything green again.


    Looks like it's just going to glance off the far south-east corner judging by the trajectory on the radar. MetO app is still forecasting heavy rain from lunchtime onwards though, at least IMBY. You're another 30 miles or so east, so who knows?

  5. We had a short period of intense rain after the long drawn-out affair, now just passed. Should have dampened the garden nicely and washed the roads for motorcycling, my new hobby after 30 years away from them. I'm happy for the sunny stuff to arrive now. Please.


    MetO has cloudy conditions for the rest of the week - I was interested to see a poster above suggesting that a model that it uses doesn't do very well on cloud cover. The other various forecasting apps are suggesting a much sunnier outlook for the SE. I don't want to get into MetO-bashing, but it does seem that weekends which they have forecast gloomy conditions for have actually turned out pretty sunny and warm. I feel sorry for tourist businesses who are either preparing poorly based on the information or are seeing customer numbers down as potential visitors mistakenly stay at home.

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