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dragon falls

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Everything posted by dragon falls

  1. Gone very dark here got that thundery look to it street lights comming on ? .....
  2. Was out driving in it the lighting was something else all round and the hail was big went nearly like dusk it was that dark
  3. Really good lightning here best for a long time sun is out again wonder if anymore is coming
  4. Cool radar building towards us think it could be a noisy night still showing 14.7 outside on my weather station no wind very still
  5. Llandaff north see it flashing towards Ely TV mast very bright
  6. Kicking off here now lightning is really bright lights flicking why ain't the dector showing the flashes
  7. Big flashes in Cardiff bright purple rain getting heavy
  8. Same here raining heavy now winds still gusty tree came down up the road
  9. Just put the patio chairs away before they take off wind getting stronger again.might take a ride down to porthcawl to watch the waves
  10. Going dark again looks like heavy showers towards Newport way gone very till no wind not even a breeze
  11. Very heavy down pour in Cardiff at the moment roads like rivers heavyest its been all day
  12. Gone dark here now in Cardiff wonder if it will cross the Bristol channel to here was a nice afternoon earlier
  13. My god that dark the street lights are coming on and the solar lights in the garden
  14. Gone dark in Cardiff now radar brewing for something squall is getting closer
  15. Lot of dust up there its muggy foggy now seems quite rare for April feels like June
  16. Any one notice the rain is dirty at the moment it left brown spots on my coat shows up much muck is in the air at the moment glad it will be fresher on Friday
  17. Very true rember September last year very cold winter coming and a dry one we all what happened this winter
  18. Just been looking on southwales firesirvice twitter and the mountain fires on there are mad who would have thought given all the rain we have had super day again in Cardiff seen a bee in the garden this afternoon
  19. Snowing on the story arms web cam showers are showing on the radar now
  20. Looking forward to the dry weather after midweek hope it comes off got panels in the garden to replace and other jobs
  21. People never learn how much power in water. Why do people go walking in the mountains when snow is forecast and storm force winds and people then got to risk there lives to rescue them.
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