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Everything posted by loobiloo

  1. Looks like it's skirting around Macclesfield . Nothing here yet. Edit: light snow just started while I typed!!!
  2. Thanks - I've come to the conclusion that the BBC forecasts are pretty rubbish really - they don't like to stick their necks out lol Still fine snow here, but more of it. The wind has picked up... the lamp post is wobbling!!!!
  3. Very fine snow in Macclesfield - it's been drifting in the air for the past half hour. I just refreshed the BBC weather website and they have gone from no snow at all here, to light snow tomorrow evening.
  4. Snowing steadily in Macclesfield. Started with fine powdery snow about an hour ago, and turned to moderate/heavy snow for the past 30 mins. it's blowing around quite a bit, too.
  5. Foggy all day here, with a temp around 7C at 4pm. There's a crispness to the air
  6. Hmm, the Icelandic alert shown in my previous posts has now been removed from the RSOE EDIS website :-/ There is lots of other volcanic activity happening around the world though: http://bigthink.com/ideas/24939#comments
  7. It appears to be in the peninsula above Reykjanes - no seismic activity around there to speak of.... how odd! Picture below taken from http://rapidfire.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/subsets/?subset=Iceland.2010314.aqua.721.250m&vectors=fires+coast+borders Does this show a plume???
  8. I have a friend in Christchurch and they had two aftershocks close together a few hours ago, that were both over 5.0 in magnitude. She's feeling pretty nervous right now. All water has to be boiled apparently, and the mains water / sewage pipes are extensively damaged. Does anyone know how long these aftershocks are likely to go on for?
  9. Thanks for the update coldfingers. It's difficult to see an plume at the moment because of the mist but I have been wondering about the possible quake activity - how likely is it that the readings have been caused by the weather? There does seem to be a pattern to it, edging nearer to Katla :-/ Video of the day's events:
  10. I noticed that too... there were some yesterday as well.... Also, the weather is wild there at the moment judging by the webcams :-/. Brrr!
  11. Thanks for the link coldfingers - that blog will keep me happy for a long time! Is that steam coming out of the vent at the moment? It looks quite dark in colour. I wish someone would wipe the camera lens!
  12. Glad I wasn't imagining things! It's not that I want the volcano (or it's neighbours) to wreak havoc again.... but I do miss the splendour and excitement of it all B))
  13. Very murky there at the moment, which is frustrating given the small increase in tremors... While I was watching the cameras yesterday I could see two hotspots on the thermal cam, a third the way down the side of the volcano. Could have sworn I saw steam (?) rising out of the hotspots, but maybe it was just the clouds or dust on the camera lens.... :-/
  14. Yes... I have been chuckling to myself, watching them on the thermal camera.... !!!! I wonder if they can see anymore than we can? Looks pretty murky up there.
  15. I can't make out much on the cams at the moment - the weather looks pretty bad, with water (?) on the lens of the Mulakot camera. Sigh, I had some time to sit and watch tonight too...! Back to the airlines saga, I understand their point that as more data is collected they can adjust the safety levels accordingly.... but the cynical side of me thinks that they are primarily motivated by revenue. When is a risk too big of a risk? When there's an accident??? And if the accident occurs outside of the ash zone, will they then say that ash had nothing to do with it? Who knows what accumulative effect it's having on the engines at the moment.
  16. Agree with others... and worry about the longterm impact on the aircraft??? Surely this is very short sighted (not to mention risky).
  17. A new ash zone is to be introduced, called 'time limited'. Apparently it will minimise flight disruptions. In other words, they have pushed the goalposts further apart yet again. http://www.travelio....disruption.html From midday on Tuesday this will allow planes to fly for a limited period when volcanic ash is present in the air at higher ash densities than currently permitted. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8685913.stm
  18. I saw it too, and it glowed brightly on the thermal cam. A few minutes later it was gone!
  19. This brought a grin to my face! The media paints a very black and white picture, whereas nothing is really that simple, as we all know. I've been digging around the net and I've found quite different reports about the potential eruption time for this volcano - from 15 months upwards. But the biggest concern does seem to be that more of the Icelandic volcanoes may be triggered. Just found this: http://www.lifeslittlemysteries.com/how-much-longer-will-the-eyjafjallajokull-volcanic-eruption-last-0768/ The Icelandic volcano is likened to the one in Hawaii, which has "been erupting for 23 years". Something about the structure of the magma chambers. Fascinating stuff.
  20. Rant away, coldfingers! I feel the same ;-). I watch the volcano on the webcam with a sense of awe and full respect for nature. On the other hand, I have some friends who cannot see the beauty in what is happening, but worry endlessly about their flights being disrupted.... and while I'm sympathetic, I definitely think more humility and a sense of perspective would help us all :-).
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