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Everything posted by Stephen_Mcr

  1. As expected here today, cold rain with a tiny bit of sleet so not too disappointed in the outcome, but it has been a pretty grim day to be out there. Having a scan around twitter it's good to see some areas getting a decent amount and it didn't seem too wet either in that it made the trees nice and white and wasn't slushy either which is nice. I need to move to somewhere with elevation!
  2. I see the Manchester snow shield rolled over as soon as the PPN was rain and ushered it through Light to moderate rain, absolutely nowhere near conditions for snow here.
  3. Aye, it sometimes gets lost especially in the model thread, but the weather that comes our way is already decided - it's already set and nothing will change it, whatever the charts may forecast.
  4. Central Manchester is in the yellow snow warning zone, a few miles from the amber and still receives zero snow, just cold rain
  5. Not feeling this one, especially in this immediate location. Temps are very marginal and this comes in after a pretty mild spell so no real prolonged period of embedded cold (or even cool weather) either (ground temps etc)... that combined with the M60 snow shield makes me pessimistic. Should be good for some of the region though for a bit.... some interest is better than no interest.
  6. Almost shorts weather out there if it wasn't raining, took the bins out in my tshirt and it wasn't at all nippy. Wind has just picked up though and a bin blown over - which is more than the other night! Not looking good long term either. Looks like WIO.
  7. Looks like the wind direction is making the Lancs coast northwards to the lakes taking the full brunt of this Fun on IoM
  8. doesn't seem bad here, was meant to have started to receive some stronger gusts by now it's not nice out there by any means, but not that bad
  9. Yeah just a matter of clinging on to this coverage into the evening now for me I think - hopefully we have some coverage still after a brief temp rise going into the rest of this weeks cold. Should hopefully see it through to the weekend.
  10. Only a bit here, but it is enough! Was expecting to wake with nothing. It's still coming down. For those that do have it - get out there and enjoy - we deserve this!
  11. Definitely a radar few days coming up... will be utterly surprised if decent parts of the region don't see at least something white falling, even got my hopes up for the M60 snow shield letting something through. In any case, in winter if I can't have snow, cold, clear, sunny and frosty days are second to that. Today was beautiful and a refreshing change to the grey we've had for an eternity.
  12. It was always looking to breakdown by next weekend, even if there was hope the models will evolve into something longer as they were so far out - still might. We're lucky, it normally flips to something from the Atlantic by now and we lose it all together - it's still going to be very cold and there is still the potential for something to happen at short notice to make it more interesting.
  13. Nice so far... colder and far further south of the channel for the action midweek, see if the cold sticks around and gives us anything now.
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