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Everything posted by butters

  1. stopped here at the moment but got more snow than we have had for quite a while.hoping to get more from the band of showers following behind the main band on the radar
  2. correct me if i am wrong but having just read the metoffice warning that states the band of snow will spread northeastwards from the south west and looking at the latest radar the worst of the band which is over ireland looks as if it will not be hitting south walesbut further north.i think things in the south do not look as bad as the warning indicates a bit of over hyping by the metoffice ?????
  3. just checked out the bbc 5 day froecast for here in cwmbran it it shows heavy snow for friday but when you click on friday to expand it it shows light snow from 15:00 until 06:00 saturday morning so why is the overall forecast heavy snow.mind you i'd like to see how 15 hours of light snow would add upp on the ground.heres hoping its right
  4. well according to metcheck i am going to have heavy snow next friday night yeah right i wll believe that when i see it lol
  5. finally got the heavy snow back in cwmbran se wales and its being blown a bit too.hope it lasts longer than an hour like earlier tonight.
  6. hope your right about the snow coming back soon,i told the kids we were going to have lots of snow and that they would not have to go to school so thats what they are expecting when they get up.
  7. We had heavy snow here in cwmbran for about an hour from 9pm to 10pm and just fine stuff since.we are in the se of wales and were forecast lots of snow seems the people further west are having more.whats going on wheres all the heavy snow gone i want it back.
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