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Everything posted by Imp81

  1. https://forum.netweather.tv/gallery/image/17006-dsc00151/ Nice hoar frost In Laughton forest
  2. Imp81

    Snow and Frost near Scunthorpe

    Few shots taken whilst at work (sorry poor camera) around Scunthorpe area, some very chilly days 16/1/13 -4 or below all day! Nice hoar frost and freezing fog patches too
  3. Thats exactly what i was thinking, i'd trade Fridays single dumping event for continuing cold and frequent snow showers pushing inland , though no guarantee those really cold uppers pushing into scandi edging our way is a by product of short term loss and that front missing some of us perhaps? If that front on friday comes too far east it does'n't bode well for prolonging the cold in the longer term, so be careful what you wish for, 2010 snow (though not for perhaps the west of our region) was off the North sea generally Got no higher than -4 here all day and lovely Hoar frost on the trees and hedgerows etc in the freezing fog most atmospheric
  4. Looking at it i'd be surprised to see much more than light snow friday the fronts losing ground south ...however the bigger picture of this meaning the colder airs stronger to our North East which will hopefully mean as already stated the North sea snow machine will strike up and those glorious lines of showers will drift inland constantly and little features will pop up, nothings concrete and even shifts of relatively small distance will affect what we see and thats changing constantly, heres to sub 0 days from the NE, currently -6 here in Winterton
  5. Been working in Retford today and thought they did well but just come back here and as stated really nice covering approx 3inches on grass light flurry still now
  6. Light dusting here just NE of Scunny, as posted last night the most feeble of intensity when it snowed so must have picked up a bit to manage the light covering we have here, supposed to be working near Caistor today and the wolds heres hoping later delivers and can get some pics
  7. I'm depressed already at this murk and mildness currently 4 degrees as i type and apart from shaded or piled areas snows melted effectively, so hoping the possible arctic incursion next weekend perhaps upgrades tho most likely it will be watered down or end up the brief ECM suggested affair, on a positive note however there's still i reckon 4 weeks left for proper and genuinely cold weather left and longer for spring convection and sudden temp drops (clutches straw)
  8. https://forum.netweather.tv/gallery/album/1057-/ few images from my un productive day photos aside down there
  9. Imp81

    Lincs Wolds near Horncastle /Louth 10/2/2012

    A few snapshots taken today 10/2/2012 whilst at work in the wolds(well sitting in the van)
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