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Everything posted by TinyTim

  1. Paul Thank you for the confirmation I am aware that these aren't necessarily accurate, but I've always found them a bit disconcerting when ever other source seems to be saying something different! Cheers Tim
  2. Okay... got to say, that on paper this is potentially the snowiest I'll have ever seen... on paper (beating 2010)... However, what has got me nervous is that the BBC / Met Office just ain't buying it... the forecast has a paltry few flakes on Wednesday and nothing else at all... Now, I know this is most likely wrong and that they are conservative in the extreme when it comes to forecasting white stuff (which I totally understand), but it doesn't make it easier when I start fretting that just somehow this will be a disappointment. Having said all that, I've got my boots at the ready for the first time since 2010, so let's just keep the fingers crossed Tim
  3. Well... Sorry to be a downer, but in all honesty this winter is starting to frustrate The majority have done very well, and I certainly don't begrudge anyone else their hard won white stuff, but for here its been so many chances and even the ones that have come off have been fairly disappointing. I'm going to stick my gloomy neck out and predict a big fat zero for here overnight and tomorrow. There might be something on the outskirts, but here in town it just seems that the snow gods have forsaken us. However, best of luck to everyone else and I do hope you get some lovely snow Tim
  4. I'm not particularly hopeful of seeing more this afternoon sadly, as it has been very bright almost all day here with the exception of a very heavy shower this morning. Good luck to all and enjoy the white stuff if you have it! Tim
  5. Well... very heavy shower earlier had the roads in the town turn white. Fingers crossed edo is correct and that more is on the way Tim
  6. Well! Quite a bit here now... started coming down as I left work just after 4 and went on heavily for over an hour. Traffic to a standstill and then the bus got stuck going up a hill Very enjoyable but I'm not sure if we've had everything we're going to get... Not working til later tomorrow though, so hopefully time to maybe enjoy any overnight falls if we're lucky. Enjoy your snow if you've got it folks and commiserations if you've missed out! Tim
  7. I'll keep my fingers crossed then, for myself and anyone else who is still missing out on the fun! Tim
  8. A bit of a non-event here so far... a couple of cms on the hill but just an icing sugar dusting in town. Ive got my fingers crossed for more later, but have read conflicting reports that the heaviest activty should have been overnight, so feeling a little down right about now, but we'll just have to see Tim
  9. Hello all. Had to chip in with my thoughts... I'm cautiously optimistic that I might actually see a decent amount of the white stuff If I get really really lucky I might even need to get my boots out for the first time since 2010! If it all goes pear-shaped then oh well... but I really do have my fingers crossed! Best of luck to everyone and hope you need your shovels and sledges! Tim
  10. Just back from a trip up the hill. Amazing the difference a little bit of height makes, as there is literally nothing in town but over an inch or so at Broxden. Nice to walk in though, and I'll certainly take it for now... fingers crossed for more though! Tim
  11. Coming down really heavy now... thought it was going to all turn to rain, but now its wet so not settling in town... Going up the hill in a bit so will see what it's like there! Tim
  12. Gone very sleety here Don't know if this is going to come to anything which is a shame, but to those who do get some white stuff today, enjoy! Tim
  13. Just started snowing here.. nice big flakes Not sure if it'll settle or how much we'll get, but just seeing it is good for me! Tim
  14. Finally!!! My patience has paid off and we have quite heavy snow here and its settling, at least on the hill I know it won't last, but I'm happy that at least the winter won't be entirely snowless Now... if this is just a warm up, then I'll be well happy! Tim
  15. Well... that would work much better for some than others I've got my fingers crossed but in all honesty have pretty much given up on this particular 'spell' giving us here anything. Not that I'm usually pessimistic, but when it comes to the snowflakes I've always found them elusive! Tim
  16. Now that's a snowshield As Hawsey mentioned earlier... at least I'm not alone! Fingers crossed that you are right Catch and those of us who are snow starved get a meal at some point next week Tim
  17. Yep, the typical 'bright blazing sunshine' here, with absolutely no indication that we're going to get anything else for the next few days Really is a little disappointing when most other areas have at least something.... oh well Just trying to stay positive and hope this isn't our only chance.... Tim
  18. Hello all. Don't really post much but have lurked for several years now. Thought I'd contribute my thoughts on the upcoming 'cold' spell. Sadly, at least for my location, the BBC ain't buying it, and thus neither am I. I'm constantly amazed by their complete determination to never forecast snow at all (even though I totally understand it!), and they have us down for 'bright blazing sunshine' as I call it for both Thursday and Friday.... the words 'isolated snow showers' do appear... but unfortunately when it comes to snow, I'll believe it when I see it Best of luck to others though, especially those who live in the favoured areas! Tim
  19. Hey folks! Might as well add my update... nothing but wet yucky stuff at the mo, but fingers crossed for some action later on! Was woken up at about 6:30 or so by a hellava bang! - Thought to myself, no way was that thunder... but turns out it was Cheers! Tim
  20. Finally!!!! Have waited pretty much all winter, so finally some snow!!!! Not epic by any means, but it's white stuff falling and lying (for now!) so I'll have to settle for that Tim
  21. Well, a little dissapointing here I reckon.. Not that much more than last night, with 3-4 inches on the grass on the hill, and a slight covering on the road... Was hoping for a little more to be honest, but congrats to those that won the jackpot and commiserations to those who missed out! Tim
  22. Starting to lie on roofs etc. here... not so much on roads, but fair belting it down... Fingers crossed!! Tim
  23. Well... Encouraged by LSS's map, and it's been snowing an hour or so already, but not settling... yet!! Fingers crossed for a really decent haul this evening and tomorrow... good luck to all and commiserations for those that miss out! Tim
  24. All clear here at the moment... can even see stars However, the covering from earlier is still firmly in place, even on the roads... Fingers crossed it's not the end... Tim
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