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Everything posted by Mesoscale

  1. Wonder if the stuff building in the channel get let loose a few sferics my way?
  2. I don't think so, we are a bit too far East/South East for this one I think.
  3. I know what you mean, its one thing to see big storms over the channel but to have them so close is painful!
  4. Ah man you lucky people, nothing here but light grey skies and a little bit of rain.
  5. Could see the lightning over Kent last night despite being a good 50/60 miles away from it. I was hoping for a more widespread light show, hopefully we can get a few more chances in before the end of September, last year we had a decent storm in September so all hope is not lost.... yet!
  6. I think lightning will be sporadic just like last night, what could have been if the cap had broken though! Maybe soon we will get a plume of yesteryear.
  7. They seem to lose electrical activity the further north they get. I heard a distant rumble of thunder but nothing more.
  8. For a first video its good but dont get your hopes up and expect the world to watch. You may get lucky but its going to take a while before you start pulling in more views. My suggestion would be to edit a compilation of a tornado outbreak, specific dates and events will likely draw more people in.
  9. Given off by all the flora! honeysuckle is my favourite. Its still warm here, beautiful clear skies but temperature has dropped almost 10c. Good luck to you northern lot.
  10. Oh no I sense a 2012 situation coming again, super cells in the north and down here it will be hot and sticky with wall to wall blue sky!
  11. A nice wall cloud just went past here, couldn't see how fast it was rotating though because I was quite far away from it.
  12. France, Belgium, Germany and maybe Luxembourg get all the fun these days, I wonder if these same storm systems would have been the same types that would have affected the UK throughout the 80s and 90s? or are these storms something substantially different? Also did these Benelux countries and Germany get the same amount of storms as now or did they have different patterns of weather? If they did what has changed for the British weather? So many questions though.
  13. Just read on Twitter that a large tornado has killed over 50 people in the Chinese province of Jiangsu. Can't find anything on it yet but I shall keep an eye out. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-36607600
  14. When I went out to vote earlier it had that tropical smell in the air that I have smelt in both Mexico and Florida.
  15. Have to agree with you and Estofex has only given us a 15% chance of lightning within 40kms. Cloud cover was meant to evaporate before noon.
  16. Remind me never to look through your pictures ever again lmao.....
  17. Looks like the holy trinity of storms (Brighton, Eastbourne and Dover) are going to get another round soon....
  18. My Sky+ signal is currently getting blocked by that storm over London lol.
  19. I know its annoying me as its to my south and wont budge any further north!!
  20. Can hear deep booms coming from london way and had quite a close bit of lightning 'out of the blue'. Nice.
  21. Rotterdam is about to get rocked....... ..... I'll see myself out.
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