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Everything posted by Shane

  1. The weather gods certainly are not smiling on us! Hopefully we get to see something this summer, been really unlucky this time around, storms all around but nothing really overhead. Had some heavy rain Sunday which flooded the garage, but no thunder, has some distant thunder Monday from the storm over Newport. Got to hear some deep booms from the Wolverhampton storm but that was it. My lad who I was trying to get interested in weather said it's boring and has gone to play minecraft, then he mocks me to say at least it thunders on my game
  2. Meh! I try and get my 7 year old interested in weather. Sadly we live in Telford. We have been extremely unlucky the past couple of days!
  3. Got a very frustrated 7 year old who wants to see some lightning! Fingers and toes crossed here in Telford!
  4. Good call, don't bother coming To Telford to see a storm. Haha!!
  5. I think the Telford storm shield is overpowered this year and is pushing everything Shrewsbury way!
  6. Well, that was, hmm, expected. Storm to the east missed us and storms to the west missed us. Unlucky does not cover it! Plenty of lightning but nothing overhead and mostly distant rumbles:-( nice one to the storm starved on here but spare a thought for little old me in Telford haha!!
  7. Storm duck well and truly broken woo hoo!!
  8. Im still in this club :-( been 3 years now since I saw a storm ( I have lived in this flat for 3 years thinks it's a curse haha)
  9. Telford and thunderstorms?? What's a thunderstorm? I really can't remember the last one here I never saw one the whole of last year ( apart from when I went to Spain!) That storm sheld is going strong still haha!!
  10. Shane

    Madeley snow!!

    Snow in madeley!
  11. Shane


    From the album: Madeley snow!!

    brrrr the horse said ....
  12. Shane


    From the album: Madeley snow!!

    This is suppose to be Madeley court pool lol!
  13. the sky keep lighting up here no thunder tho but some pretty bright flashes must be from that cell over wolvo
  14. Right after this week of weather warnings and promising looking radars i have seen nowt so think u got another member
  15. Lightning was detected in this shower but storm sheld made sure Telford was not having any of it
  16. Well i cant see anything for our neck of the woods on the rain today rader that will head our way ( storm sheild too strong there are beefy looking showers either side of us!!) .. but good luck to the rest of you
  17. :what part of Telford u in? sky does look dark but i can see blue sky coming towards me!! think im on the edge on it
  18. Ah i remember now i think i have seen them on the tv ...........
  19. Oh Rain Today why do u mock me according to it (putting my postcode in) it says thunderstorm .....and the forecast ahead .... thunderstom... Arrrghh!! ah thats better <_<
  20. I think that if we want to see a storm Villaman we will have to move lol... very dissapointing i really thought we was in with a chance today ...
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