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Everything posted by Eabie

  1. If I don't hear some thunder today (and it's not likely I will), I think this will be my first thunderless June ever. Boo! lol. Here's hoping July and/or August have better things to offer.
  2. Irrational as it is, I think nearly every storm fan wonders sometimes if they "jinx" their own chances. It's human nature. Last year in Ontario we had so many busts that I tried to tone down my excitement and refused to discuss storm potential with my partner or online, or look at radar, in the superstitious hopes of improving my chances.... and it still busted! And when we did get storms, I didn't notice any particular habit in my behaviour that helped precipitate them..... So the long and the short of it is, I'm pretty sure we have nothing to do with what happens, but I know the feeling. lol.
  3. I picked the first one, but it's about duration for me. I like a warm sunny day as much as the next person, but I don't like them to stretch on and on. The heat becomes uncomfortable after a while, especially if the nights are warm too. But probably more than anything I just start to find the weather quite boring. I'll take anything -- light rain, heavy rain, snow, fog, gales, thunderstorms -- over long stretches of uneventful sunny days any day. (Keep in mind I'm new to England.)
  4. With all the storm talk on this forum the last few days, I just wanted to say that the models for June 30th in my hometown of Winnipeg, Manitoba, are showing a high of 31 C, with dew points of 25 C, 5000 J/KG of CAPE, and deep shear of 40-60 kts with a cold front coming through later. Probably too high to be real, but nonetheless forecasters believe the cap will lift by early evening at the latest and the potential is there for some very severe storms. I truly love England.... but it's times like this I wish I was back in Winnipeg, for Thursday evening at least.
  5. This is pretty much my attitude. It may be days, weeks, months or years, but I know I'll get to see storms in the future. In the meantime I've got plenty other enjoyable things to do with my time. Life goes on.
  6. I'm still in the No Storms Club. Have been since September last year, when a weak thunderstorm woke me up at 4:30 in the morning and I went right back to sleep. Last proper storm at a reasonable hour was in mid-August 2010.
  7. Aww, what time was it? Nothing happened here that I'm aware of. I had the window open -- both because it was still quite warm and because I thought any sound of thunder would wake me up. Plus we just have curtains, and flashes of lightning would probably have roused me even apart from the thunder, as they usually do. But I slept through the night and woke up to a grey morning and that's that. Still in the No Storms Club here.
  8. I remember a day like this last year in southern Ontario -- 23 June. The SPC (Storm Prediction Centre in the USA) gave a Moderate risk to areas of the Midwest that encompassed nearly all of southern Ontario, and Environment Canada even issued some surprisingly serious sounding forecasts. They were clearly worried about the situation. The atmosphere seemed highly juiced for storms. But the cap ultimately proved too strong, and very, very little kicked off. There was a storm that spawned a tornado, but it well to the north of where most people thought the main action would be... and I think the SPC ultimately modified their risk area to mostly exclude Ontario. It was a huge let down considering the hype and excitement from Ontario-based storm fans. I'm not saying today is a mirror image of that -- I'm not the sort to lose hope as long as there's reason to have some, and I'm not negative nelly at all. But I try not to get *too* excited either (hard as it is sometimes), just because things *do* sometimes go wrong. Still, maybe tonight??
  9. 29 C here too. Completely overcast with high white cloud now, but was very sunny and hot this morning.
  10. How much faith should one put in those Netweather storm chances? I was at around 80% as of this morning, even though everyone was talking about the focus being on the southeast. (I didn't believe that I really had an 80% chance of seeing storms of course, but I took it as an indication that there was a decent chance.) I've now been downgraded to only 61% for 7 pm, but with no precipitation forecast. Yet I was thinking that those showers in the southwest are still likely to pass through Coventry and some of them might be thundery, no?
  11. So tomorrow, I can hope for some thundery showers from the southwest at least? I'll definitely take what I can get.
  12. Netweather is showing an 81% storm chance for Coventry on Monday now (it was around 60% earlier in the day). Is this realistic or should I expect another light rain shower? (Sorry, I love storms, but I don't know how to read the charts and whatnot... )
  13. Come Tuesday, I'm still probably going to be in the No Storms Club. Boo. Still, I hope those in the southeast have fun with this -- I've only lived here since early May, but I'm under the impression that this is a pretty rare setup. I'm vicariously excited for you while maintaining some small hope that the West Midlands' day will come.
  14. Netweather gives Coventry a storm chance on Sunday of 43% for 16:00 and 56% for 19:00, and there's also a 56% for 13:00 on Monday. Since this all seems to be focussing on the Southeast though, should I not get my hopes up?
  15. Nah. I heard a few rumbles on May 7th and 8th from some isolated showers before I moved to the UK from Canada, but I don't count those as storms. I'm still solidly in the club and have been since last September. Foo.
  16. Had a couple blustery showers here since morning -- but no thunder to be heard yet.
  17. Netweather says 51% storm chance for my birthday tomorrow around 7 pm ... I have no expectations, but it'd be a nice gift if true!
  18. Was a lovely day today. Started out a bit dull in the morning and looked to be threatening rain (carry over from yesterday?), but the clouds dispersed very early and the rest of the day has had a nice mix of sun and cloud. Felt warm in the sunlight, but with a gentle cool breeze that kept things from feeling too hot. Temperatures around 20 C I think.
  19. Already raining here too, though very fine and light so far. Dull and completely overcast. I'm hoping for a heavy downpour later on -- if it's going to rain, I want it to rain properly, hard and all day long. (Yes, I'm one of the few who likes rain. )
  20. Well, no thunder over here today (at least not that I've heard) -- but we did just get several seconds of pea-sized hail. Surely that counts for something.
  21. Thank you! I think I probably will feet at home - I've had .... not bad luck exactly, but not very good luck when it comes to storms for the last few years. At least relative to where I was living. Last really good year I can remember was 2007. Thank you! Though I actually don't know where it's from... I think I just googled "hoarfrost" and found a suitable picture on Google.
  22. So indeed it does. As a fellow Coventrian (and one who's probably been here longer than me), how many thunderstorms/thundery showers would you say Coventry gets in an average year, at least of late?
  23. I'd like to formally submit my No Storms Club membership application! The last time I saw lightning was at around 4:30 am on 10th of September last year, when a small thunderstorm caused some sporadic lightning flashes that woke me up. Being from Canada, there was only slim odds of thunderstorms after that, and pretty much zero chances throughout the winter and early spring. I did hear some very weak rumbles of thunder in a couple isolated shower clouds around May 7th-8th, shortly before I left for the UK, but I don't exactly count those as "storms". Today brought intermittent light showers, but no thunder that I could hear!
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