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Posts posted by Katiewombat

  1. Wowozer 30 hours snow (some heavy) Thursday night through  to Saturday  morning. Breakdown  or not that's some forecast.

    Very mixed feelings about snow this year, can't even go out in it as I have been in a wheelchair  for most of the last 5 months. Feels different  some how?   I have 2 really important  medical  appointments, one Tuesday  and one Thursday, assuming we aren't snowed  in. Wonder what the week  will bring to us.


  2. Hello all


    Terrible events looming along parts of the Thames, just adding to the sense of the country being subject to forces beyond any control.  This photo from the BBC news website, taken along the Thames, really struck me - not even the dead are safe from the waters.


    Posted Image_72859816_hcvde50u.jpg


    Helen Willets on News Channel in an interview this evening said there was just the hint from some of the models that in about 3 weeks time there might just be a different type of weather, less rain, but as she said too early to say anything much about it.



    That's in Marlow, just heart breaking. too close for comfort note :-(


  3. Good Morning all.

    Just wanted to pop in and thank those who offered me support on Friday and talked me out of talking an unnecessary risk. This trip was aborted, but we hope to take a longer one over half term. Even if it does mean getting snowed in and staying longer. I can only dream.

    I really feel for those in Dawlish in particular and all across the South West. I consider myself as a local opposed to a tourist, as is been a regular bolt hole for me during the last few years. I was in tears the other evening reading that one of the lovely holiday park owner had opened their doors to all those in need, due to the floods. Just shows what an amazing community it is.

    Anyway weather. Did I miss anything in Bucks last night. I have read back through the last few pages and truly can't believe we escaped the storms and things, but my head hit the pillow with exhaustion about 12 and the next thing I knew it was daylight.

    Right now it's still fairly windy here and starting to get very black from the West again.

    Love and thanks to all of you.


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  4. Hi Katie,sorry to hear youve had a rough time. TBH looking at the way things are panning out, I personally think if you leave at 4pm in Friday traffic with the water so high, you will be lucky to get there by sunday lunch time. If its a break you need, i think you will be spending a lot of time in the car getting there and then probably stuck inside once there.....Good luck whatever you decide to do.

    My heads in such a mess I have totaly lost track of the upcoming weather. hence asking to you guys and gals for honest opinions. I have been trying to weigh up the pros and cons. If it was just me and Hubbie. I would go without a 2nd thought, being a severe weather lover. But we have 4 kids to consider too. I know my views are clouded right now, but imagine the thrill of watching the waves in Dawlish. Katie
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