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Everything posted by Ruby000

  1. Hail. Now snow in such density its covered roofs and pavements.
  2. Afternoon all. It's my birthday on Wednesday and have been bought a rain gauge for my NetAtMo which I'm about to synch. I'd dearly love it's first outing to be filled chock-full of snow, and not of rain.....
  3. Morning! It started as rain, which became 'chunkier' according to my son, aged 26 Sleety rain with dollops of snow. And its now stopped. 4.1 degrees Celsius.
  4. I have a Netatmo A self- confessed techie-twerp and use MicroSoft on my laptop. It's also synched to my smartphone. https://www.netatmo.com/weathermap Take a look. Click on a pin to see the current weather in that locale. There's just two of us in my Borough, relatively few of us in UK but extremely popular in Europe.
  5. Just the one flash of lightning to the west and the storm seems to have skirted round and heading south. Drat! Wanted a repeat of Thursday night. It is raining steadily though. Temperature 20.6 c Humidity 79% Pressure 1014.8mb
  6. Evening all. Low rumbles of thunder coming from the north west for the last 2 hours with only a sprinkle of huge rain drops. Until now. It's almost as if a celestial tap has been turned on. And off again. Temperature 23.2 c Humidity 65% .....almost continuous low rumbles.
  7. The sky went a delicate shade of dark green and the hail/ snow mix began.....huge hailstones bouncing around in the squally wind. It's the most exciting wintry mix all year!
  8. Hello Tom. May I be included please? I guess I am situated between John Mac and Exodus. I'm in North Chingford E4, close to the back gates of Chingford Cemetery which is atop 'The Mount' which gets hammered by winds from Sowf Lundun, innit! Thanks.
  9. The sky just lit up with sheet lightning and a 3 seconds later a huge clap of thunder....! Heavy rain, but am avidly lampost watching.
  10. Its been snowing since 6.20am here in Chingford at a mere 38m asl!!! Everything is covered and huge 50p flakes......!
  11. Could you add my location to your map please Mr WeatherMaster? The mean streets of Chingford, E4. Ta
  12. 4cms on car roof! Intensifying again after a brief lull. Snow iced onto every surface including the rotary airer, twigs on trees, road* and pavements. Even the overhead telephone cables which seem to be hanging worryingly low now under the accumulated snow and ice.....all very Narnia-like out there. Quite beautiful. * Despite the gritter earlier.
  13. Heavy snow here, covering cars, pavements and the road despite the gritter whizzing through an hour ago. Estimate 2cms thus far.
  14. Light snow falling in Chingford!...... well, we are a mere 6 miles south of Epping
  15. Light snow falling and blowing around in the wind in Chingford.
  16. Blizzard conditions here in Chingford, E4!!! Settling on frozen surfaces......
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