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Walsall Wood Snow

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Posts posted by Walsall Wood Snow

  1. Thanks for the replies so far guys. Yes i thought Jan-Feb (particulary Jan) 85 were particularly snowy months whereas Feb 86 was much colder than either but not as snowy, indeed it was the first sub zero CET month for over 7 years (Jan 79) and the last for nearly 25 years (Dec 2010). Might sound strange but I wish I could have been born 3 months earlier in say late Dec 84 instead of late March 85 because even though I wouldn't remember it anyway, I feel like i just missed out on a right classic winter for snow in my region. Still I suppose I did actually exist in my mothers womb, lol.

  2. Hi cyclonic happiness i'm also in the midlands, some miles north west, north of Walsall. I know what you mean about last December although I think we might of done a bit better than your region. We got a good dumping on the 22nd of around 7-8 inches if i remember rightly. The most we've had since Nov 96 if memory serves me right. It could have been the most since Feb 91 though obviously nowhere near.

  3. I've heard it mentioned and I believe the CET records back it up that cold winters ( or at least ones with potent cold and/or snowy spells within them) do generaly seem to come in long batches lasting up to a decade or more) this should give us all a bit of confidence for next winter. However I don't want to put a downer on anybodys hopes, but it seems that even in those periods of cold and snowy winters in the past, there were the odd mild dominated winters thrown in, like the mildest winter yet recorded 1685-1686. A more relatively recent example (correct me if i'm wrong) might be 1979-1980. So i'd thought i'd just throw that out there for people to think about.

  4. Hi there, this is my first ever post after browsing this forum for years.

    I was just wondering if anyone who lives nearish the Walsall area can remember how much snow we had if any, in Feb 86 or/and Jan 87? I ask this question because as i was born in the spring of 85, these were the first two real winter months i lived through (and the last for another 4 years), yet because of my very young age at the time I carry no memories of them. So i'd be interested if anyone round these parts, or the broader west midlands area can?

    I've asked my mum about them and she can't recollect these classic winter months at all. She remembers Feb 91 well however, as her brother died the night it first started to snow and she remembers having to walk through drifting snow in order to get to the main roads in order to get a lift to the hospital. I do remember this event but only very vaguely. For example i remember being in the back garden throwing snowballs at my kitchen window (which i'm sure i got a telling off for), sitting in the back of my dads car one sunny but snow covered afternoon while he was struggling to get the car off the drive and going round my grandads after the thaw began and remembering this dift still lying there in the corner of the yard (I haven't seen a snow drift in my life since, as the recent good winters just haven't delivered high snow depths round these parts, though like most what we have had has stuck around for long periods of time. Heres hopeing that winter 11-12 changes that). Sorry for length of post guys but if anybody has got any answers just let me know, thanks in advance.

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