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Bishop Brennan

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Everything posted by Bishop Brennan

  1. Max of 26.9°C just after four o'clock here. Just walked all the way to the dentist and back, thank goodness a remembered to put plenty of sun tan lotion on my baldy head! Bish
  2. Mostly cloudy here. Current temp is 23.6°C 24.8 mm of rain yesterday Bish
  3. Well that was very nice Slightly disappointing that what seemed like a nailed on direct hit avoided us at the last minute, but at least we had the next best thing - plenty of booming thunder, and a nice light show to the east. And now, as predicted, the sun comes out! Bish
  4. Indeed TX1, a few other spits & sparks brewing up down south Have you seen much in your neck of the wood so far? Bish
  5. Lovely booming thunder here right now, and a great light show out east - Coventry must be getting slammed at the moment. Interestingly, I can see plenty of blue sky moving in from the SW - still enough time for a late afternoon temperature spike? Bish
  6. Wow, not very often we get to see you during the summer months, Fizz!!!!! Welcome back from your hibernation Bish
  7. I've got Lightning Maps centred on Coventry, and it's clicking like a geiger counter Bish
  8. The skies to our east (Coventry direction) look incredibly stormy. The monsoon rain has returned here. Bish
  9. First flashes directly south of here. My Sky TV reception has packed up = something's brewing. Bish
  10. First spots of rain falling. No flashes seen as yet. I reckon Leamington Spa, Coventry, and Rugby will be the sweet spot Bish
  11. First rumbles of thunder here. Getting darker and darker. Bish
  12. Decided to go for a quick walk around the estate - BIG mistake! It's absolutely, excruciatingly humid here. Now I'm sweating like Elvis at a breakfast buffet. The skies to the SW are turning very dark............ Bish
  13. That storm in Wiltshire is starting to look very interesting..........heading NNE towards us perhaps? Bish
  14. Still raining here, but the skies to the south seem to be a bit brighter. Fingers crossed, we'll see some sunshine by mid-afternoon. Sunny at Lord's now. Bish
  15. 21.25 mm of rain here already today, with the promise of plenty more to come. Bish
  16. Torrential downpour here. Temp 19.2°C with a DP of 17.9°C Humidity 92% Bish
  17. Right, beauty sleep finished lol We've already one brief storm here just after three this morning, and a much livelier affair a short while ago, plenty of bang & flashes. Currently feeling very tropical, with torrential rain. The radar looks absolutely mouth-watering Bish
  18. That's sounds promising for us West Midlanders - whatever Wiltshire gets tonight, we're likely to enjoy a bit later given the apparent wind direction. Bish
  19. Looks like we maxed at 28.3°C here - not very often that Shrewsbury is the Midlands hotspot! Bish
  20. The clouds are burning away rapidly now. Temp is currently 27.7°C and still climbing. Welcome back, Dancer! Your timing is impeccable. Did you catch any of the fireworks last night? Bish
  21. The sun is starting to burn through now, and the heat is building accordingly. Current temp is 25.6°C with a (very juicy) DP of 18.5°C Humidity is 65% Bish
  22. I was woken by a brief but fairly lively storm at three o'clock this morning, plenty of T&L. I swear the first crack of thunder sounded like something exploding in the sky, a genuinely frightening noise. Looking at the radar, it seems something is already forming in the gap between Birmingham and Coventry Bish
  23. It's been an odd summer in some respects, lots of maxes between 20c-23c and yet only three or four 25c+ maxes..............expect this stat to change markedly over the next few days Bish
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