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Everything posted by Essexwader

  1. Flooding here there and just about everywhere, one solution is to plant more trees as tree covered land absorbs 67 times as much water as grassland. There used to be grants for tree planting BUT CAP now requires landowners to remove unwanted vegetation if they are to receive any payments from Government!!!!! Here's the detail: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jan/13/flooding-public-spending-britain-europe-policies-homes I'm afraid it's the Guardian however the facts speak for themselves. Almost 50% blue here now the sun is setting - lull before Storm?
  2. Echoing earlier comments the torrential rain overnight has created garden flooding not seen before in the 35 years we've lived here. We are on a 75m contour which is irrelevant when the soil is clay. If the mean temps were some 5c higher a EU grant for rice production would be on the cards. At least there's a break now with some blue and the odd glimpse of that yellow thing!
  3. Pleasant day here until 2:00pm with temp upto 11C, now it's tipping it down. Lunch saw us eat the final raspberries picked over the past week, one of best years ever for them.
  4. I'm surprised that no-one has mentioned that it's illegal to discharge fireworks between hours of 11pm & 7am except on certain specified days when it's permitted until 1.00am. November 5 is one of those days. There are two applicable Acts of Parliament.Weather today just breezy here , temperature 6 celcius.
  5. If reports are correct of 140,000 households/ businesses without power is correct I'm convinced they don't regard the storm as a non event
  6. I see that the Beeb in the 6 o'clock News has said that temperatures have dropped by half since yesterday. I trust that everyone has survived the Cyrogenic state that we must all be in!!!
  7. One and only rumble of thunder @ 15.58, light rain two minutes later which continues to fall even under blue skies and hot sun - 26C.
  8. Certainly not cooler here, temp 24C with high humidity based upon need to remove sweat from trickling into eyes every few minutes.
  9. translated:It's here after a fine evening, lightning has arrived here, it's thundering and large drops have begun to fall.
  10. This Italian Weather site will give you what you want: http://www.ilmeteo.it/meteo/Gardone+Riviera If that's not your location goto Comune/Localita and find a Town that is closer. Weather unlikely to vary too much around the lake GerryB ( married to a N Italian from one of tuther lakes)
  11. Today for the first time in weeks we awoke to sunshine, now gone. Temperature still < 1 degree C. Wind much reduced. Last night Look East trumpeted the 5GW that the wind farms were contributing to the Grid - today it's <2.0GW!!!
  12. Stone age man using his stone age telescope would have immediately gathered his mates to bring in some emergency meat supplies!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. A read of this shows that earthquakes aren't on the increase: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/learn/topics/increase_in_earthquakes.php
  14. It's not an event relating to the South East however one should be reminded of this: June 2 1975 Dickie Bird. "When I went out to inspect the wicket, the snow was level with the top of my boots. I'd never seen anything like it," he recalled. Play was abandoned immediately. OK so it was at Buxton. However I can remember snow falls in Essex during May the worst back in 1955.
  15. We still have 8cms of snow on grass in garden and road outside was near impassible when freezing rain fell earlier this morning. On foot impossible to walk on unmade road without ice grips. Temperature now 2°C however melt seems not to be significant!
  16. Still 10cms of snow here on grass, roads remain sheet ice. Walking difficult without ice grips - I should add that I live in the Thundersley plotland area of unmade roads.
  17. Goto reply screen and use 11th icon along bottom row to link to photo hosting site making sure that image is of a thumbnail size. Hope that helps. GerryB
  18. Here in the heights of Thundersley level 21cms, temperature now reading 1.8°C
  19. In more sheltered front garden measurements taken within last hour on paving between 19 to 19.5 cms. In back garden which is more open, outside of the drifting areas, a consistent 21cms. Reasonably high for south Essex here, property is almost on 75m contour.
  20. Not regional, however his forecasts did cover these shores. Joe Bas?ardi has resigned. http://preview.tinyurl.com/6algcw3 I note this website doesn't like Joe's name hence ? and the TinyURL
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