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Everything posted by dryjoy

  1. Many thanks to all those who have already posted their thoughts about the coming winter in this thread. I am one of those who only tends to hang around reading on here during winter, and disappears from about March - late October, and up until now I've only ever posted in the regional threads when the weather gets exciting. I'm not sure what brought me to the forum earlier this year, I suspect it has to do with the disappointment of last year, and my yearnings for winter brought about by the changing seasons. I'm completely addicted to this thread already, but I am considering trying to tear myself away and forget about it for while, and perhaps come back in late October. It's agony, hoping for an exciting, memorable winter, hanging off every word that gives me hope yet knowing that it's really way too early for any meaningful forecasts. Can I do it though? Can I really give up my addiction to this thread for another month?
  2. Yes,definitely snowing in Wimborne now, but I can't see how it's settling or otherwise, except of the front garden, where it is starting to settle.
  3. Yes, fingers crossed. I feel a bit more hopeful now than I did a few hours ago. I should be getting an early night tonight as I am out tomorrow night, but I can't see it happening.
  4. I love how dark it is in our road, but we don't have a lampost handy for this sort of occasion! It's actually very hard to see whether it's snowing from inside at night. We have an outside light, but it's under the porch - you can get a clue if you look carefully.
  5. Awesome! Gonna have to go and look again now (I'm in Colehill too!).
  6. Actually, I see it's probably not much and probably will turn to rain, but nevermind, better than the rest of winter.
  7. I am genuinely sorry if your loss is our gain. But we friggin' deserve some snow and a day off work tomorrow!
  8. Just starting to snow in Wimborne, Dorset. Very light, just a few flakes.
  9. The current weather warning is right on the edge of where I am. Nailbiting.
  10. Hello - I'm in Wimborne, East Dorset. Do you think I belong here or in Central South thread? Thanks
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