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Everything posted by Nimrod1

  1. Thanks for answering, Andy Bown. I have installed the weather station and up the data every 15 minutes. What I know is if there is any way to predict the weather at that moment through these data that the station gives me: <!--StationDate--> <!--StationTime--> <!--outsideTemp--> <!--hiOutsideTemp--> <!--hiOutsideTempTime--> <!--lowOutsideTemp--> <!--lowOutsideTempTime--> <!--windDirection--> <!--windSpeed--> <!--outsideHumidity--> <!--hiHumidity--> <!--hiHumTime--> <!--lowHumidity--> <!--lowHumTime--> <!--windChill--> <!--lowWindchill--> <!--lowWindchillTime--> <!--barometer--> <!--BarTrend--> <!--hiBarometer--> <!--hiBarometerTime--> <!--lowBarometer--> <!--lowBarometerTime--> <!--dailyRain--> <!--stormRain--> <!--monthlyRain--> <!--totalRain--> For example, not knowing weather I want to know if there is fog automatically: Weather == Fog: If <! - outsideHumidity -> is> 60% and <! - barometer -> is> 1040 mb I hope I expressed myself correctly. Thanks for the help ^ ^
  2. Hi everyone, I am a second high school student, and the computer class we are doing a project working with a weather station. The aim is to make a website that shows all the data with graphics, icons, etc. The question of this topic is that I wanted to see an icon depending on time and stand made automatically based on data recorded by the station. I want to see if you can program it is raining for example, pressure and moisture content are very high (eg, a meteorologist, I have little). I would, of course, that the inaccuracies were as small as possible, so that there was an icon of rain and then is sunny. Let me see if I can apply the following icons (I do not think I miss any): - Sun - Sun Showers. - Rain. - Fog. - Hail (very rare in this area of Valencia (Spain), but I'd like to include.) - Snow (rare in this area of Valencia (Spain), but I'd like to include.) A greeting and thank you very much! Sorry for my poor english.
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