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Everything posted by tomp456

  1. so er, the stuff coming up from the channel later. what counties are most likely to be hit?
  2. pretty sure some lucky ******** will get a tornado/gustnado/funnel today.
  3. www.worthingweather.org has a lightning detector for the south:D
  4. The BBC forecast for littlehampton & shoreham says thunderstorm at 4am. MAYBE EH?!!!!
  5. for anyone who doesnt get something tonight please blame it onto me. 1. i purchased NW Radar 2. The camera got charged
  6. just to confirm.. the south east sussex/kent etc will miss out on the storms?
  7. the west& wales i believe. correct meh if im wrong people
  8. purchasing nw radar = no rain, no storms & an unhappy customer. source: myself
  9. when it comes to storms NOT the met office.
  10. northing for ireland. wtf! estofex are strange sometimes.
  11. a few years ago, 08/9 i think it was. one had a storm that lasted for a good 1-2 hours. But that was a few years ago The average storm lasts just 15 minutes I've read somewhere on the internet. Why? Because mother nature is a b****
  12. hmm yeah hope is all we can do really I'm 90% sure of rain. The Met Office sucks at predicting thunderstorms just so you know Ignore the met office we have experts on the forums which may give us hope
  13. 'will it thunder' can **** off. only 35% chance of something in the next few days. GAHHHHHHHHHHHH... :( :(
  14. so whats the likely hood of any imports from the ole' channel in the next few days?
  15. according to 'will it thunder' for my location LI's will only be down to 1 at best through the entire 'stormy' period. No storm here me thinks. CAPE values suck too.
  16. mother nature does birthday presents? happy birthday for tomorrow mother nature does birthday presents?
  17. roughly 100-200 J/kg....correct me people if I am wrong. There is no minimum specific to the UK. But generally its 100-200J/kg to produce a storm. In the UK we do not often get CAPE values higher than 1000J/kg because mother nature sucks. Lets do it!
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