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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. I've got work in the morning so no staying up for me but hopefully I'll be woken by storms before dawn.
  2. Obviously everything crossed to get some convective action but if we don't I'll at least be grateful for some needed rain.
  3. Funnily enough I was in Charlwood today which I see had the hottest temperature. It was dead still, not even a light breeze so it certainly felt 34.9 if not more!
  4. Don't get me wrong I've really enjoyed this long, hot summer. But watering the garden with a watering can daily is getting tedious. Hopefully we'll see some storms beginning next week.
  5. Please tell me that wasn't it. It's more humid than ever. Need a good shower to properly clear the air.
  6. I mean it feels like the Mother of all storms is going to drop on there but nothing concrete at all on the radar
  7. 45C when I got in my car. Obviously I realise that wasn't the real temperature but it felt like it
  8. Well that was an uncomfortable night's sleep. Hoping we at least get a good storm or torrential downpour after this to clear the air and then some cooler but still lovely and warm weather after.
  9. 34.5C in Kent, more specifically Gravesend. Sunday 17th
  10. It has that 'abroad' smell outside today. I wonder what causes it? Been at work all week so not had a chance to enjoy the weather so hope to make up for it at the weekend.
  11. What is the reason for wind still being so chilly in July still? Can't remember a cold wind lasting this long into the year before!
  12. I'm here now and although the heat isn't oppressive (although still very hot), I don't think I've ever sweated so much in my life. Hoping the storms due on Wednesday will lift some of the humidity.
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