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Everything posted by WillinGlossop

  1. Scuba steve yep we were poor builders van eek also there was a young girl with two dogs walking in opposite direction.. if we’d of had to have jumped out of the way would of hit her oh well we live another day enjoying the drier warmer weather… 4/5 hours gardening and it’s looking pretty before we have grass cut tomorrow and head down souf on Friday… if trains play ball
  2. Scuba steve walked through Howard park yesterday and nearly got run over by an Evri delivery drivers van… he’d jumped out to deliver a parcel and hadn’t put it in neutral/put hand brake on… all we saw was van coming down hill, no driver but it smashed into a builders van… if hadn’t of hit that it’d have hit us walking along the pavement… there was definitely some expletives going on we heard massive crash/crunch and saw the delivery guy running down the road towards the crash… there was liquid going down the road and looked like the van was a right mess… not driveable
  3. Rush2019 haha nice to see the ducklings so cute Yey it’s really prevalent this year must be due to mild and wet weather we’ve had… do love wild garlic really good chopped up and either mashed into butter or over a salad… when that suns out hot hot hot still gardening two hours weeding & dead heading and an hour hedge trimming down drive (only small hedges) leaving bigger ones to someone else after birds have finished nesting…
  4. When the sun is out… it feels warm and humid… another day gardening… 19c currently… lots of dosy bumble bees about… have to look where I’m walking on grass… rhododendrons are swarming with bees just popped to village greens in charlesworth for some fish for tea and picked up some local clotted cream ice cream for later yum
  5. Rush2019 Howard park and Manor Park are looking pretty this time of year… lots of ducks, geese and occasional heron about… both short walk from town centre… hope you have nice day out hopefully sunny most of the day after high cloud has burnt back also old glossop has three nice pubs that do nice food… tapas, curry and traditional fare
  6. Dark Horse next time I did contemplate taking photo but ended up just eating… was hungry off to Londonford on Friday… my niece has booked Lovely tapas place in Fulham…. She lives there and we’re at Fulham for 1230 kick off Saturday… . We’re in away end… they’ve got tickets in home seats not far from us….shes United… her boyfriend is Arsenal….will be interesting Sunday back Monday….
  7. Sunny morning… cloudy middle of the day sunny late afternoon/evening 19c… walk in park this morning and fed the ducks… gardening digging up and moving a few plants for a few hours… flattened three chicken breasts and griddled them….one garlic and honey , one chilli & ginger 🫚 and one bbq sauce and made wraps for tea
  8. Had Worse heavy rain back again… another 3mm of stuff on radar continues could make 25mm today… yes no thunder or lightning ️ three reported funnel clouds north and east of here in Lancashire and Yorkshire Oklahoma & Kansas look primed for some very severe weather in coming hours…
  9. Torrential tropical style large raindrops… keeps getting heavier… no thunder yet… developed just north of here but very slow moving… edit lighter now… 10mm from that one prolonged shower
  10. Had Worse rain just getting heavier and heavier… huge drops… tropical ️ ️ ️
  11. Large convective rain drops… seems to have developed overhead/just north of here… well that’s put an end to gardening for a bit… washing in too…
  12. 17.5c was sunny convective cloud over Pennines has spread overhead… warm humid feel… even if we don’t have storms should be some pretty cloudscapes about later ️️
  13. Dry and sunny should be nice warm Sunday… off to garden centre for a few bits then pop to supermarket… gardening day and cooking Mexican lamb and chicken tacos Happy Cinco de Mayo
  14. Sun came out at Etihad and Haaland had his scoring hat on to boot ️️️️️ happy days..3 points… traditional curry at Ruchi to celebrate This week is looking lovely hopefully some sun and much needed warmer days…
  15. Dark Horse cheers thank you just thought it was a bit odd just had first bbq of 2024… cooked in garage on bbq with doors open… ate inside as drizzly rubbish out… after predictions of 30mm a few days ago we’ve had 0.8mm of drizzle…
  16. Just a quick question… why is my location saying Shoreditch? Is this a netweather registration thing? I was also logged out overnight…
  17. raul_sbd were staying near tarragona for two weeks in June… hoping for sun and warmth maybe spending couple of days in Barcelona too
  18. Overcast, misty, hills shrouded in cloud, but mild… have a peed off squirrel making a racket, birds are lively again out… off for walk into town then back to gardening until the rain ️ comes in… if netweather forecast to be believed… after today/overnight… 7 more dry days to come… off next weekend to Fulham for four days and next weekend looking warm and sunny for trip to Londonford
  19. Just resecured fence panels along footpath with corks… feels like a hairdryer out there… warm, humid and still gusting 40-50mph…
  20. Had Worse wind buffeting the house since the early hours… very strong must be gusting 40-50mph… need to go and refix a fence panel…. netweather has us down for 45-52 mph gusts until 5-6pm… wind burn as well as sun burn
  21. Chris.R temp dropped to 17c breeze has freshened… quite dark now… humidity gone from 35% to 75%
  22. Chris.R it’s gone quite convective looking sky and humidity has shot up… looking radar showers over Sheffield developing ️ ️
  23. 20.5c feels warmer in sun on patio… occasional cloudy interludes but mostly sunny lovely day for doing gardening jobs
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