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Pale Blue Sky

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Posts posted by Pale Blue Sky

  1. I think many people are asking the same question - yesterday there were some strong indications (from other charts!!) of some thundery activity, including an Estofex Level 1 - there was nothing.

    Today, there is nothing, and what do we have I wonder - thunderstorms/thundery showers.......'aint life a biaatch!'

    No kidding!

    This little un-looked-for storm is producing more thunder than I've heard all year!

    Shame I'm on the wrong side of the building to be able to see what the cloud looks like - from this window, I can see blue skies and towering cumulous - all the action is happening beyond my field of view. wacko.gif

  2. lol im not, all the storms in the last two years have been fairly cack, last really good storm was 4th july 06 :D

    having said that the northampton storm is bearing down, sky looks evil now, a deep grey / navy blue color.

    It's probably gained in strength now it's left Northampton - that's what usually happens!!

  3. Looks like a Mini Bow Echo Just gone through Northampton (Surely PBS Is outta the No Storm Club Now) ???

    Come on every one out and leave everyone in there from Gloucestershire.................

    I'll get me coat

    Well, it's been mostly rain, with maybe 8 or 9 flashes of lightning the entire duration, but by Northampton standards, it might as well as well be a supercell!!

  4. Hi guys

    Just wanted to pick some brains.

    I happened to be awake at about half three this a.m. (don't ask!), and, on the offchance, looked out the window.

    It was fairly cloudy, but there was a whole load of blue-ish light to the north west that I could see in the clear slots behind 'ordinary' clouds.

    Was this NLC? If so, it was incredibly bright, even through the cloud cover!



  5. Ooh, the sun is shining through the cloud. Good stuff. Meanwhile the stuff to our north and west just keeps on coming; looking more promising for round 2 later?

    Did you notice how that lot that just passed over was electric until it reached N'pton, then died over us, and looks like it's powered up again now it's passed over! :D

  6. Heavy rain here and had a couple a flashes of lightning, one very close indeed. Finally a storm, sort of. Looking at the radar it seems to be the French storm, pepping up again.

    I think I'd emphasise the 'sort of' :)

    If it is pepping up, as usual it won't be us who get's the benefit, will it!

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