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Jon Somerset

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Posts posted by Jon Somerset

  1. Summer months - warm and sunny with a period of two or three weeks of very warm, muggy weather with thunderstorms in the evening and night. The odd day or two of rain to freshen things up and keep the farmers happy.

    Autumn - mild start with some showery days as lower sun adds to grandeur of showery skyscapes. Later - crisp sunny days perfect for bonfires and leaf jumping. Some early frosts are pleasant as they kill off the insects and give better autumn colours.

    Winter - snow in January but not for too long please - February should be wet and mild to fill up our coffers. March a mix of rain and sun - not too warm. please - still crisp with just an augur of spring. April - much sunnier but with some rain for the flowers. May - lush days with some showers but plenty of sun.

    Too much to ask? search.gif

  2. Yes I have been disappointed with the breakdown - I would have loved some thunderstorms rather than just a light breeze! But this has been the best period of good weather in the middle of summer for about five years here so this has made up for the first half of July. All is tempered however by the loss of life that has occurred due to the excess wet.

  3. Still plenty of sun about here despite an increase in cumulus from previous days. Cool under the cloud but still warm when the sun comes out which is more often than not. Feels about 18/19C at the moment. Noticeably lots of butterflies about today.

    NB This is the seventh sunny day on the trot - that hasn't happened in the summer round here for years!!!!! shok.gif

  4. Another fine day - more mist than yesterday to begin with but this burnt off by 9.00 a.m. leaving pure blue skies for the fourth day running. Slightly cooler near the Somerset coast with a light breeze but once inland able to enjoy strong low sun and warmth until gone 7.00 p.m.

    Like summer is supposed to be. Fine evening with lovely sunset with a few wispy cirrostratus clouds to add interest. Air quality not as clean giving a misty distance. Very nice. happy.png

  5. From Burnham-on-Sea I could see a light veil of alto-stratus starting over the welsh coast in the far distance but apart from that not a cloud has been seen all day. Fabulous summer day - and quite hot just inland. We're not used to this!

    I noted insect life making up for lost time today - gnats and flies everywhere out in the country lanes.

    This makes a change from previous years when it was a south-east/rest of the country divide. North - we feel your pain!

  6. Quite a lot of fair weather cumulus about earlier today drifting very slowly so small clouds blanking out sun for long periods if you were unlucky. Sun has shone, until about 3.00 p.m. through weak high stratus but that seems to be thinning off to virtually nothing now. Cumulus also lessening so more sun into the evening. Dry!

    Met informing us to expect 29C on Wednesday in Yeovilton.shok.gif The one day of the week I'm completely office bound SIGH!

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