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Everything posted by edo

  1. back to sleet with heavy big flakes falling fast.....as you say blizzardo though warming up with 12c for hogmany!!!! I too though am enjoying the mobile weather although would like a couple of days of proper snow to take the youngest sledging for first time...(im like a broken record with that one)
  2. currently a rain to sleet to rain event here....temp dropped from 4 to 3 although was as low as 2 mid morning today
  3. 2 degrees here and uppers look like may just hang on long enough to give a few hours snow here....never look fwd to it much though when know it will all end far too quickly
  4. Lol bleakmidwinter u hav dodged a bullet...The magic moments of first smile first say your name first steps are soon forgotten in the non stop grief..that's what I like about the regional forum tho u can go off O/t which helps when models are mildish in winter..hadn't looked at the faxes and as Lorenzo says another low to watch...what a surprise...I'm gonna leave rebuilding my fence until March I think....
  5. Well a light frost this morning and feeling like proper brisk December air so looks like a good day for getting first proper fresh air since Xmas eve....away to check models after seeing breakfast time weather predict snow for east Scotland tomorrow afternoon....I just want a simple 2 inches so can get the sledges out during the festive holidays...c'mon Santa a belated present of snow I need to get the kids oot this hoose I too am suffering lorenzos curse of the wii but even worse it's just dance broadway getting blasted out Precipitation looking good http://www.weatheronline.co.uk/cgi-bin/expertcharts?LANG=en&MENU=0000000000&CONT=ukuk&MODELL=nae&MODELLTYP=1&BASE=-&VAR=prty&HH=42&ZOOM=0&ARCHIV=0&WMO=&PERIOD= But uppers not so much http://www.weatheronline.co.uk/cgi-bin/expertcharts?LANG=en&MENU=0000000000&CONT=ukuk&MODELL=nae&MODELLTYP=1&BASE=-&VAR=t850&HH=42&ARCHIV=0&ZOOM=0&PERIOD=&WMO= however I guess other factors may come into play but another marginal event just missing a decent snow event is likely
  6. 5 degrees and feeling a lot colder with horizontal rain....the 18mth old still saying walk daddy walk as tried to bundle her into car seat....little nutter...gutted not getting any snowy days to get out playing in it with her....instead it's the insanity and incessant noise of Indoor play centres....aghhhhhh...at least it's interesting weather tho
  7. 8 degrees here just now which is the highest it's been all day....very very calm before the storm that will probably finish the trampoline off once and for all....duvet day with the kids beckons
  8. Yup just to echo everyone else had more trampoline damage today and could be terminal this time.....Im gonna remember this as the windy winter if it keeps up...merry Xmas all and look fed to more weather related chat soon
  9. 0.6 here and a glistening frost forming.....as its gonna be mild I also say make it record mild....great couple of years weather....we are certainly seeing extremes....from last November to this December I have seen record cold/ record november snow/ record november warmth/ widespread damage from storms and well a pishy summer it has to be said.....by the way its only records in my own weather watching....I will be happy with a few days of decent snow this year for sledging with the kids but still hoping for copious amounts!! at which time range in FI?
  10. they charts are no use when your colourblind like me.....they should have a diasbility button to assist me I can see the different colours for snow and rain but cant differentiate between the shades... so for the south of England it could be a biblical flood or light drizzle in my eyes....hopefully a flood (laughs like Mutley) im joking my english cousins looking in....as Alan hansen would say some of my best friends are English
  11. Thats a cracker cheggers.... musta stole his ma dooooooorrrrrrrrrrrr eeee ..... http://www.weatheron...E=-&WMO=&ZOOM=0 Oh dear Im dreaming of a green christmas indeed....oh well at least gremlins is on Saturday night...just realised the kids have never seen it....oldest a bit of a scaredy cat not sure she will cope with it :smilz38:
  12. Its only 2.8c here after being 11.2c at midnight.....any chances of at least frost on Saturday night?? Ive been too busy eating and xmas quizzing to look at the models....memo to self stop being lazy and have a look!!
  13. i like yer style NOVEMBER13 ...fed up being mild and miserable for xmas so post up a whole lot of other places who would be more likely to have a white xmas but are also in mild gunk...good scottish attitude of at least there miserable n aw!! That deserves a Gavin D
  14. 12.5 here (twelve point five) vidiprinter style as viewers may think That number was a typo....didn't need my jacket coming out the cinema that's about the best thing can say about this weather....made the town feel very unfestive
  15. Lol dribbling indeed I know the feeling.. I have been reading forums for 3 years but have progressed far further in 2 months since discovering here....joe bloggs is excellent on TWO as is doc but I do like the regional aspect here Great links Lorenzo cheers Currently 4.5degrees here and light drizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzle
  16. There is a good section over on theweatheroutlook.com forum called the library which is well worth a read but I find LS explanations very clear and less overwhelming learning in chunks!! I echo your Skew-t question... I just didnt want to use up 2 questions in a day
  17. http://www.kimmirutweather.com/ cheer yourselves up or depress yourselves looking at Kimmirut where it is very nice and snowy......always think it looks like somone has skinned some static caravans...... cant really imagine living someplace so remote in one of those houses but be nice for a holiday would at least get use of the new kids sledges....... I should have booked lapland for this year...was booked up last year for middle of december but the magic of the snow was not there for the kids having had 2 weeks and 2 ft of it .......
  18. Brilliant LS many many thanks for this... you have a very clear way of explaining and its most appreciated
  19. 3.4c here but frost still deep in the ground although windscreen looks like it is thawing on driveway......maybe need to hide from models for 2 days and hope for a xmas miracle when returns....on the positive side easy travelling around the big day to all the family.....but the £20 sledge from santa that can strap my 18mth old daughter into wont be getting used......I did have this xmas day vision of a sledge around the village as she was too young to appreciate the fun of last year!! oh well onwards and upwards and an interesting read on the storm off the North....one to watch
  20. What temperatures are you looking for at 950 to provide correct conditions for snow...I have read many posts regarding the 850s so would be very interested for a bit more info on the 950s
  21. Lol I liked the first idea....although then I would just be my wife (no offence female members) been doing it all from my phone so will check later if said wife ever gets off Facebook :/ Cheers really loving this map....great idea!!
  22. That's some blob appearing northwest on the radar....mayb what's caused the amber warning not that it will ever make it to here....anybody northwest should have a chance of getting something from it......map looking fantastic although when moving my pin I created a second and cannot seem to delete it....any ideas?
  23. A light dusting overnight which is a light dusting more than expected....FairPlay to the polar maritime call as you have been backing that for a long time not great for this location but be magic to see plenty other places get a white Christmas....won't be jealous.....honest
  24. ground white with snow during daylight hours for me....not worried if snows on the day....but prefer it put the tree up with snow falling though so it would be nice to see snow falling as kids open presents.....the models do not look good but plenty time yet
  25. Somebody already added me so many thanks....very icy but clear and boring and 3 degrees
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