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Everything posted by *Stormforce~beka*

  1. danm yes will. When I can actually see blue sky and nota speck of stained glass windowin cloud anywhere
  2. MP-R default!! MP-R DANM! Thicker cloud than you! danm
  3. In Absence of True Seasons It didn't burn off here and still under the haze I say haze.I can't see the sun so it's thicker cloud now
  4. Hazy sun here today. Because of course we aren't allowed pure blue skies here! But beggars can't be choosers...
  5. SunnyG You've lost all hope like me haven't you!
  6. chilly milly gone again here and back to thick cloud
  7. SunSean Well that's the thing. I dont even recall having 3 hours a day! 3 minutes maybe lol. AlthoughI guess it was a nice a few weekens back when I was at the mil house and I missed out on 3 nice days or something
  8. SunSean dunno about low carb as I would loose too much weight. I'm only 7st 2 as it is! But cutting out gluten and dairy woudl be a good start. Will do fodmap
  9. TwisterGirl81 You've had your daily quota of sun lol
  10. SunSean Where the hell is Hampshire inland as I've not had hardly any sun and that seems to imply a fair bit
  11. SunSean I need to try a new diet for my IBS but can't handle it right now with catering for all the kids fussiness - I do 3 different variations and meals as it is. I can't be doing iwth adding me being fussy into the mix!
  12. In Absence of True Seasons I wasn't expecting any sun. Don't want it either. It's too bright
  13. CryoraptorA303 Then why did they type cfb whatever that means rather than TM?
  14. In Absence of True Seasons I like grey. It's my friend. I especially like light grey ...
  15. In Absence of True SeasonsSmall mercies darling! Small mercies!
  16. B87 whats cfb In Absence of True Seasons Your not allowed a full day of sun! You've used your quota! Raining here and dull as dishwater!
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