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Michelle Baker

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Everything posted by Michelle Baker

  1. What would happen to the alignment of the planets if Mars got wiped out?
  2. I'm off to Ilfracombe for a few days so I may be better situated for snow!!
  3. Very cold and foggy here in Bristol. Thermometer already reading -3
  4. Raidans road yesterday! Sorry would help if I attached the file!
  5. Raidan- Put that picture on you sent me yesterday. Really strong winds and rain here started in the last hour or so
  6. Quite a few of my friends on Facebook mentioning floods around Bristol. I've attached a few pictures!
  7. Just had a random heavy rain shower here, expected to hear a rumble it was so heavy
  8. Heard quite a few rumbles from that storm that crossed the Severn but quite distant. Had a couple of louder crashes and one CG strike. Not bad
  9. Skies are looking a bit stormy this morning and ATD is showing a sferic near to Bristol
  10. It was quite slow moving when it passed over Bristol, lasted about an hour
  11. I've seen a couple of forked lightning but mainly sheet lightning and becoming more distant now
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