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Ian Ballinger

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Everything posted by Ian Ballinger

  1. What's going on the model thread is so confusing this afternoon
  2. Haven't been following the weather for a week, is Telford going to get anything tomorrow?
  3. It's actually warmed up to 1 degree here in the last hour drip drip too, but still snowing
  4. Exactly the same temp here, thought it would be below freezing by now
  5. It's wonderful isn't it, In Ironbridge and can constantly hear the cracking of trees
  6. Feels very sleety tbh, perhaps that's because of how fine the flakes are
  7. Because it looks like it's going to go further North, does that mean it will get milder?
  8. It's funny when rains forecast it's hardly never wrong, but The metoffice have me down for heavy snow right now but there's nothing and not really any sign of anything on the radar
  9. Well this has turned out to be poor, the rain is clearing and doesn't look like there is anything to follow on the radar. How did the forecasters get this so wrong
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