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Everything posted by ARTDEMOLE

  1. Grey day..Lots of downpours.Barometer on stormy.*.8c and dropping...
  2. 0.-2c. Another cool night clouding up so no meteorites will be seen in this area
  3. 1c. Sunny ..Clouds and frost gone.Retun of frost tonight again most likely...
  4. Fog and Frost here at -1.2c..Might see a light dustin of white stuff Thurs o6:00 to 09:00 So Met Office local forecast reads...
  5. When it is warm I can go for an amble round the lanes canals and countryside.Also spend some time in the shed on the scroll saw.In the clear evenings can take my spotting scope or telescope out on patio to gaze at the night skies.Spotting scope is also used at places like Chew Valley lake. When the rains come or very off putting weather then some practise on the clarinet or tin whistle can be done...Then there is the lurking on forums at other times....
  6. May see some white stuff in the cold of the next couple of weeks..
  7. 2.5c with clearing skies.Hope I do not get frosted to patio with telescope tonight...
  8. 7c.Sunny.Wind a little stronger 5mph with a gust now and then.WNW.
  9. Blackbirds are on the lawn before me at the moment.Chaffinches are waitng for pieces to fall from the fatballs the starlings are on.Some sparrows feed from a mixed seed hopper each day.Blue tit and great tit are regular each day. Not seen a robin but still plenty of insects in the hedge at the moment..That will change soon.Kesrel is keeping some away...
  10. -1c. As I arose and saw the very white frost this morning. 5.3c. now. A Westerly breeze at 3mph..Clouds were thin and white but now some grey clouds are showing.
  11. 2c. Calm.Cloudy but bright.Frost now gone.
  12. 0c.Calm..Clear...Moon out with Jupiter tonight..Shall be out on the patio with them for at least a couple of hours..
  13. 4.5c At Hillcrest.N.E is the breeze...Cold it is...
  14. I check his site every day but know what the local weather is like.Just up the hill from GIBBY,,,
  15. Would you believe it.....That dry I enjoyed a walk this morning...Well, down to the surgery and back via the long way...The breeze was cold on the face though...
  16. Chilly day and staying that way untill ?????? 7c.at the moment.Nice to see the breaks in the cloud...
  17. Just had a sleet shower here.. Met office have wind warnings at the moment and of yet more heavy rain for this afternoon..Shall be glad when dry weather reache this way on Tueseday...6c. Cloudy but the sun is out.SSW wind 5mph...
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