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Tom Jarvis

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Everything posted by Tom Jarvis

  1. Lol how is that possible snowing in lewes which is closer to the coast
  2. Any snow in uckfield in lewes and it is just sleet with some big snow flakes
  3. It is laying. Anyone near uckfield??? Can you tell me if it is snowing?? Spoke to someone at my house and they said there was no snow at all
  4. White out here at plumpton college still huge flakes!!! How long is this to last
  5. Sleet with snow flakes mixed in at Plumpton college so Maybe less marginal where my house is. Hope so
  6. Looks like all my snow will be washed away when I get home is there a chance it will still be there??
  7. Just been out and measured 15cm which I am very chuffed about
  8. Had a grat day today I was in the sweet spot and ended up with more snow than Friday started the day with 6.5 cm now have a whopping 15cm so verry happy how is the snow chances for the rest of the week and is the breakdown still in fi???
  9. Lol the heavy band just seems to have stopped before my house I want it to push west lol
  10. The from just needs to move 20miles west and ill then be in line for heavy green precipitation
  11. Can anyone push the band a bit further west the been on murr scale 7 for the last hour hope to see 20p flakes soon
  12. Still a 7 on the murr scale here r there any heavy bits heading my I'm at tn22
  13. Still a 7 on the murr scale is there any heavy stuff heading my way on the radar??
  14. Sorry just mover to my phone so cannot get radar or post screenshot would say it is a 7 on murr scale just waiting for the 20p flakes now lol
  15. Liking the band of green heading my way anyone with the paid for radar is is increasing in intensaty
  16. Tom where is your half time report for us want to know how my opponent is doing Lol u just posted it as I posted mine lol
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