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Mair Snaw

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Everything posted by Mair Snaw

  1. They are a very sour bunch in there... someone jumped on my post straight away moaning.. never seen them post in the thread before so clearly jealous of my dusting...
  2. Its to show that no matter what the models say it can turn around rather quickly so all the winters over or nothing in January posts are pointless.. oh and this is my first fall of snaw this winter.. i didnt get a white xmas... but i didnt come on here moaning about it..
  3. 48 hours ago i had my heating off and house windows open... this morning ive woken to this... just goes to show how quickly things can change..
  4. Well guys and girls the end of the year is upon us... it's been a strange one.. only one thing left to do now..
  5. Happy christmas all of you... its a cold day for sure, bright but a bit of cloud still drifting about so hoping for a shower or two at some point..
  6. Happy christmas you mad lot... have a great few days enjoy be merry and take time to restock and refresh ready for the snaw thats coming in the new year.. Cheers all
  7. Merry Christmas to each and everyone of you mad lot... this is by far the best weather forum around, i might not have much of a clue about what some of you post in here but its always fun to come here and see what enthusiasm you all put in. @MATTWOLVES enjoy your time with your dad and give him a bloody amazing time mate.. treasure it make memories. Anybody in here who is struggling with anything be it mentally or physically never be afraid to ask for the help you need and deserve..as a carer to a long suffering wife i know how difficult it is. So stay positive and never ever be to proud to ask.. So what if it dont snaw... plenty of other days in the year for it to happen. Merry Christmas everybody.
  8. Its off its on its off its on... Icon and Aperge are the best models in the world today...just had a look at the mad house and its a fun read thats for sure... I've not seen anything like this model wise since January 2013 and the what the f**k moment from mr Brown... we all know what followed the rest of that winter and spring...
  9. Absolutely love reading @legritter posts... always polite and always upbeat... long live the sausage bap and stella..
  10. He is an absolute beauty.. we pick him up on the 18th of jan...might see if i can squeeze in a house viewing or two at the same time.. the wife keeps going on about how she loved Torphins today and when i showed her @Sceptical picture she said omg its like Canada can we move there...i wonder what i might be doing next year?? Oh and dont go into the mad house... its all doom and gloom and the party is over as the cheese wedge has let us down and the red wine has run out..
  11. It all looks likes it's going a bit t*ts up for many.. Oh well same time next year then.. merry Christmas.
  12. Well I've given up with the mad house... its turned into the school playground again.. same every year.. And if its not going to snaw on xmas day im just gonna drink until it snaws...
  13. Popped over to Aboyne this morning to check out the newest family member see below.. the difference in temperature and weather was amazing.. as we came into Torphins the wife said "wow this place is beautiful, i could live here" .. then again as we entered Aboyne.. "oh this is stunning very nice" The mood over in the mad house is up and down more often than a tarts knickers... Oh yes picture of new family member to come home toward end of January
  14. Its all champagne and cigars in the mad house... ukmo has saved the day.. watch the gfs and ecm chuck out a stinker..
  15. @Puffy MacCloud good news that you may be free for xmas.. stay safe buddy.
  16. Brilliant idea to have this thread.. i will still pop into the wrist slashing thread just for a bit of fun and just to check what the rest of the uk is getting weather wise.. and maybe when we have snaw i might be tempted to post a picture or 2..
  17. We pulled our kids out of school on thursday... apparently kids on the school bus are coughing in other kids faces and saying ha ha you've got covid...ive just had my booster so hopefully that will stop anything bad happening for me.. but ive now got 3 kids one of them autistic convinced that our xmas will be ruined again by this virus.. Dont go into the mad house its all doom and gloom as that lot in that Londonshire aint getting no snaw while we steal it all from them...
  18. I did see that post... we put up with grey damp summers while they sip cocktails... And yep im all up for some spamming action over the holiday period.. not been on a ban in almost 2 years..
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