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Everything posted by alexisj9

  1. It was the toilet block, so there were no loos. Notice the trouble my self the day before, I don't think they had a choice. Edit moderate snow now, falling on ice, so should get a dusting, and start slipping everywhere.
  2. Ok the light snow has started, won't amount to much yet, waiting to see if the heavier stuff over ramsgate gets here.
  3. It's all health and safety now though. Like I've said before, the only time I missed school through cold, rather than snow, was in school the day before. Was cause the pipes froze in 87.
  4. Enough to close the secondary school my two older kids go to. It's closed because of ice not snow though. They've deemed it to dangerous to walk up the path to the school for the kids. Same with the school next door. It is about 200m of very steep hill though, and I was expecting this.
  5. I've seen that, looks lovely, I think anyway. But no use for landing.
  6. Forecast on ITV was sleet for here, and now someone has posted the same from the BBC. At the min the ice isn't melting to spite sun. So may be warm sector.
  7. If it's the same as the last one, it went round the south kent coast too.
  8. Well good while it lasted now, more rain than sleet and the snow is slowly disappearing.
  9. The wind has just got up here now. I would say it's the closest to a blizard I've ever seen, although I know it's not one.
  10. Snow is heavy but very small grains, quite surprised thought it was more marginal than this from reports.
  11. Yep 0.4 just here, and small snow from the start, no big flakes, but heavy.
  12. Got sleet now, scratch that it was sleet a minute ago it's now snow.
  13. Just wondering why the back end is sleet rain, I know it's the heaviness helping with the fast transition once things are right, but surely it should be cold enough once the cold has undercut to keep it as snow on the back end. Is it that the northerly isn't as cold as it was thought to be.
  14. Wind just turned wnw and dp already felling a tad, not to long now perhaps, if it's going to change here that is. pressure down to 988. Is it windy anywhere?
  15. Mine are white, just been changed to the LED type, and don't get turned off at mid night anymore.
  16. Just watch someone on itv news saying they are waiting for it to stop raining before gritting or it will just wash away. For the East kent area that was.
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