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Everything posted by gregior

  1. Stuff starting to develop around Stoke now but nothing too pokey as yet.
  2. yeah no thunder it's the rain i'm more interested in,round 1 was a bit of a let down,just moderate rain hope this next lot has a bit more oomph.
  3. looking at the radar i'm about to receive 2 epic storms,can see a wall cloud approaching now..exciting times!
  4. At last some meaningfull rain here heavy convective rain and clouds seem stationary so could last a while-the plants will be made up!
  5. looks like somethings kicking off now along the east lancs road ahead of the main band of storms
  6. continuous moderate snow looks like it's getting heavier and could be with me for some time!
  7. I would say these showers are holding their own or even intensifying slightly s they cross the pennines!
  8. maybe 5cm here and still coming down for the time being,got lucky an hour ago with that blob that's hitting backtrack now.
  9. Lets see if this moderate stuff now crossing the penines can make it to the Manchester area .
  10. The shower approaching Manc started as heavy soft hail here but turned to snow briefly on it's back edge
  11. Snow stopped here and left almost no cover,am looking to take the nipper sledging tomorrow where would you say is the best spot near Manchester for good conditions? Ta
  12. Wow big upgrade for here tomorrow all of a sudden! https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/forecast/gcw23sey9#?date=2017-12-09
  13. huge bank of cloud approaching does look like a wall cloud as W h mentioned.Hope it's hail at least.
  14. Occasional rumbles to my north from that fast developing storm
  15. some proper looking storms appearing on the North Wales coast now
  16. 25.5 c here bright sunshine AND big raindrops from clear skies?
  17. some very juicy looking stuff moving in from my north with plenty of sferics.
  18. pure snow now,no signs of it sticking even on cars yet
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